Cough often accompanies catarrhal or viraldisease and is a reaction of the body to various disturbances for the normal passage of oxygen into the body. Its value is important enough for recovery, so treatment, in most cases, should not be aimed at eliminating the cough itself, but for improving sputum discharge. In this case, Ambrobene is often used.
A variety of viruses and bacteria contribute toinflammation of the respiratory tract, diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, cold start with a dry cough. The sooner the treatment begins, the less likely is the development of a more serious illness. Ambrobe can begin effective treatment, because it helps to thin the sputum and remove it from the lungs.
This drug is available in tablets, solutionfor inhalations, capsules, syrup. In more detail it is worthwhile to dwell on Ambrobene for inhalations, the instruction of which recommends even to children from an early age. A drug should be used for patients who have such indications as bronchitis, pneumonia, dry cough due to colds, bronchial asthma, in case there are problems with sputum discharge. The therapeutic effect, characteristic for the drug, comes in half an hour after application and lasts from 6 to 12 hours.
It should be noted that Ambrobene, a solution forinhalation, has received the widest application. Most of this was due to the fact that using the drug in this way reduces the viscosity of phlegm, and, accordingly, its passage from the bronchi and the respiratory tract improves.
The active substance contained herein is calledAmbroxol, among the auxiliary in the medicine are potassium sorbate, water, hydrochloric acid. It is an Ambrogen for inhalations, the instruction to which describes in some detail the methods of its application, a transparent colorless or with a yellowish tinge, a liquid that does not have an odor. The medicine is produced in dark bottles with a screw cap. The set includes a measuring cup.
Used Ambrobe, solution for inhalation, forany modern equipment intended for this purpose, except for steam inhalers. It is mixed with sodium chloride in a ratio of one to one and heated to body temperature, which is the most comfortable. In order not to provoke coughing attacks, inhalations are conducted in a quiet mode.
For children under two years must do no more than2 procedures per day, while 1 ml of liquid is used. Children from 2 to 6 years Ambrobene, a solution for inhalation, the instruction recommends the use of 2 ml. For all the rest 2-3 ml are taken for inhalation, which are carried out 2 times with an interval of 10-12 hours.
It should be noted that Ambrobene for inhalationsthe instruction recommends the use of babies under 2 years only under medical supervision. Patients with bronchial asthma should take bronchodilators in advance, otherwise irritation of the respiratory canals and their spasm can result. Contraindications to the use of drugs are pregnancy, especially the first trimester, lactation period, certain diseases of the stomach and kidneys, epilepsy. If you have problems with kidneys and liver, the drug should be used under medical supervision.
Среди побочных явлений препарата могут быть такие symptoms like dry mouth, respiratory tract, nausea, constipation, vomiting, allergic reactions. If these or other undesirable effects occur, you should consult your doctor about continuing treatment with this medication. Before applying Ambrobene for inhalations, the instructions attached to it should be studied in as much detail as possible.