A hamster is one of the popular types of domesticanimals. This demand is explained by the unpretentiousness of the rodent. Most often these animals are found in families with children, they will easily raise the mood of both the child and an adult. Whether there is an allergy on hamsters? This question is relevant if the rodent is going to acquire a family with a child. Sellers often try to convince the buyer that hamsters are absolutely harmless and do not cause allergies.
Many argue that the cause of the allergy isanimal hair. Some say that the severe form of the allergy is caused by the Dzhungar small hamster. In fact, the main cause is the saliva and dandruff of the animal. Sometimes the allergy develops after a rodent bite. Allergens are present in the subcutaneous fat, while all hamsters can be dangerous, and it does not matter how magnificent their hair is.
Currently, the allergy to hamsters is not the mostcommon. If a person has it, the quality of life deteriorates noticeably. It is important to establish in time the exact causes of the disease, and only then to choose methods of therapy.
Первые признаки заболевания можно разделить на several groups. As a rule, allergy to rodents manifests itself within several hours, and in some cases 2-3 days in the form of skin symptoms, immunological reactions from the respiratory system, anaphylaxis, enteropathy.
The skin type of allergic reactions refers torash and hives. The second of these features is expressed in the form of itchy redness on the skin. The formation of pale pink blisters occurs if the rash is formed on the mucous membranes. In acute form, the symptom lasts up to two weeks.
The systemic view of allergies (Quincke's edema) is very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. There is an immunological reaction very quickly. Because of the accumulation of fluid, swollen tissues of the lips, cheeks, eyelids.
The catarrhal group of symptoms include bronchitis,rhinitis, conjunctivitis. In the course of development, inflammation of the mucosa occurs. The acute form of rhinitis is known as a runny nose. Conjunctivitis is an irritation of the outer shell of the eyes, as a result of which photophobia, lacrimation and itching occur. With allergic bronchitis there are signs such as swelling, coughing and pain in the chest.
Allergy to hamsters is very often accompanied bysneezing and shortness of breath. One of the reasons for sneezing - the inhalation of particles of the hamster epidermis, arises in connection with the cleansing of the respiratory tract from irritants. The first symptoms of shortness of breath are a breathing disorder (frequency and depth) with a sense of lack of oxygen and heaviness in the chest.
Enteropathy is a violation of educationenzymes that are involved in digestive processes, abdominal pain, as well as indigestion. With the progression of the inflammatory process may develop chronic diseases.
What else can provoke a little hamster?
Anaphylaxis is the most dangerousimmunological reaction, because out of ten cases - two are fatal. It develops rapidly, impaired blood circulation, lowering the stroke volume of the heart and lowering blood pressure.
Первыми симптомами у ребенка обычно наблюдают runny nose, sneezing, dry cough, hoarse voice, eye redness. Children often complain that their eyes itch, they do not want to eat, the condition is usually weakened. It is very important in case of suspicion of allergy in a child to immediately exclude his contact with a rodent, and seek medical help.
Parents should refuse to purchase a rodent if:
Symptoms of other diseases look very similaron the manifestation of allergies to hamsters. For example, rhinitis, which occurs as a result of the presence of rodents at home, is sometimes mistakenly compared to the common cold. To avoid such situations, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis in special treatment centers.
There are several diagnostic methods:
To eliminate the immunological response to salivaand dandruff hamster, use of elimination and antihistamine therapy, as well as additional methods of combating allergies to hamsters, are considered alternative treatment methods.
Elimination therapy - refusal to contactan allergen. The exclusion of the causative agent of the disease increases the quality of life of the patient. In order to protect themselves from the protein secreted by the body of the rodent, it is necessary to instruct another family member to care for the animal, not to contact the hamster, to regularly change the filler. Allergies to hamsters in children can be very dangerous.
With antihistamine therapy, drugs block histamine receptors. There are three generations of drugs.
In case of severe allergies, hormone preparations are prescribed: Prednisolone, Cetirizine, Hydrocortisone and others. Such drugs quickly and effectively relieve symptoms.
To achieve effective elimination of toxins from the body, it is recommended to take enterosorbents (Polysorb, Lignin).
To strengthen the immune system, they adviseimmunomodulators, for example, Timolina, Likopida, Imunofana, Derinat. All of these drugs can be prescribed in any form, for example, drops in the nose, eyes.
Alternative methods are folk remedies.It is very important to be aware of the specifics of these methods. Some types of herbs may not only be useless, but also exacerbate the situation; the effectiveness of alternative methods has not been scientifically proven.
With the permission of the children's allergist, the use of national treatment is permissible. So, to eliminate the symptoms of the respiratory system use olive oil, chamomile, peppermint.
Best Allergy Prevention - Strengtheningimmunity. You need to monitor your health and nutrition. Prevent the occurrence of allergies 100% can only be if you do not start a hamster in the house. People predisposed to allergies should refuse to purchase the animal. If, however, this happened, then contact with the pet should be minimized and the room should be aired regularly. Releasing a hamster is on the floor in a room where there is no carpet. Do not allow an animal to bite a hand or face. Wash skin thoroughly with soap after contact.
Is there an allergy to hamsters? The answer is simple - yes, it happens.