/ / Spasmalgon: instructions for use

Spazmalgon: instructions for use

With pain sensations caused by renalcolic, spasms of smooth muscles, internal organs appoint Spasmalgon. The instructions for use contain all the necessary information about this medication.

Spasmalgon is produced in Bulgaria at the pharmaceutical enterprises of the well-known company Balkanpharma. This is a drug that is included in the group of antispasmodic.

The composition of Spazmalgon is complex.It includes active substances - bulgarketone, analgin, bulgaramid. Produced Spazmalgon in tablet form, wherein one tablet contains 0.5 to 0.1 and 0,005 grams, and packaging them in twenty pieces.

There is another form of release, in ampoules of 2 ml, andThere are only 10 of them in a package. It is an injection solution containing the active ingredients of fenpiverinium bromide, pitofenone hydrochloride, metamizole sodium. This combination of active substances enhances the effects of each of the components of the drug.

The doctor prescribed spazmalgon?Instructions for use states that such an appointment is necessary for myalgia, painful biliary, intestinal and renal colic, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, arthalgia, and pain after surgical and diagnostic intervention. Antispasmodic tablets have papaverine-like, analgesic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, m-anticholinergic effects on the bile and urinary tract, intestines, stomach.

How is spasmalgon prescribed?The instructions for use, of course, contain information about this, but only a doctor can, on a case-by-case basis, prescribe the exact dose of the drug that will help the patient.

Кому можно назначать таблетки Спазмалгон?Children from six to eight years old are prescribed a daily dose of half a tablet, for children from nine to fourteen years old - from half a tablet to one every day. Adults are assigned the following regimen: from one to two tablets daily in two to three doses.

As for the Spasmalgon solution, the instructions for use prescribe to administer it intramuscularly to adults two or three times a day (depending on the purpose, from two to five milliliters).

Spazmalgon has side effects.Among them is an allergic reaction (itching, skin rash) to the active ingredients that make up the medicine. In rare cases, there is angioedema, urticaria, anaphylactic shock. There are single complaints of headaches, burning in the area of ​​the gastric tract, dry mouth, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, cyanosis, tachycardia.

If you use Spazmalgon for a long time,there are signs of irregularities in the blood (leukopenia, etc.). Taking this drug can trigger a seizure with a person's propensity for bronchospasm. When administered intramuscularly at the injection site, infiltrates occur.

If you take more than the prescribed doseSpasmalgone, drowsiness, vomiting, lowering of blood pressure, convulsions, dry mouth, confusion, increased sweating, etc. are possible. One way out: wash the stomach and take activated charcoal.

In tablet form, it is forbidden to take Spasmalgon (instructions for use of this speaks categorically) for the following diseases: thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis.

У раствора для инъекций Спазмалгон contraindications wider. These are prostatitis, angle-closure glaucoma, tachyarrhythmia, diseases of the blood system, collaptoid conditions, kidney and liver diseases, prostatic hyperplasia, intestinal obstruction, unstable angina, stable, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Do not use spasmalgon tablets for childrenfive years old and pregnant in the first trimester and in the last six weeks. Spasmalgone injections are prohibited for children under 3 months old, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

The spasmalgone has analogues. These are Spazgan, Baralgin, Spazmoanalgan, Berlon, Spazvin, Trigan, Spazmalin and others.

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