As for the pharmacokinetics of thiscombined means, then, absorbed by the mucous surface of the digestive tract, the active components that are present in its composition, form special complexes with plasma proteins, having a pronounced soothing effect on the nervous system. In addition, they have spasmolytic and m-holinoblokiruyuschim effect, the ability to reflexively expand the so-called coronary vessels and reduce the muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract. A characteristic cardiotonic effect is also provided by "Zelenin drops". Instructions for use notes and their soothing, analgesic and venotonic effects on the human body. In addition, they reduce secretion and secretion in the gastric, salivary, bronchial, sweat and lacrimal glands, inhibiting the stimulating effect of acetylcholine.
Take "Zelenin Drops" instructions forapplication mainly recommends people who suffer from hyperacid gastritis, chronic form of cholecystitis or vegetovascular dystonia. They are also very effective for dyskinesia of bile ducts and spasms of the digestive tract. In addition, the composition "drops Zelenin" allows you to assign them for the treatment of gastritis of an anacid and hypocidal type. In addition, this combination drug is helpful in reducing appetite, renal and hepatic colic. According to the instructions, it is also prescribed for increased excitability and chronic form of heart failure.
Use the "Zelenin Drops" instruction onApplication strictly does not recommend patients with zakratougolnoy glaucoma, peptic ulcer disease or hyperacid gastritis. In addition, the manufacturer does not recommend taking this drug to people who suffer from prostatic hypertrophy, myocarditis, or endocarditis. Also, this combination drug should not be administered in the case of an established duodenal ulcer or an outflow of urine. Contraindicated take these drops and children under the age of twelve, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.
If we talk about the most commonadverse reactions that may occur as a result of taking this medication, first of all, a rather high risk of heartburn, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting should be noted. In addition, some groups of people can complain about myasthenia gravis, a variety of allergic reactions, headaches, muscle weakness and mydriasis. Also, the development of arrhythmia or gastralgia is not excluded.