/ / Nasal: what to do to get rid of the cold more quickly?

Has a nose poured: what to do to get rid of a cold more quickly?

We all suffer from nasal congestion from time to time.Who is more often, who is rarer, but knows firsthand about it every person. So, put a nose, what to do? First you need to establish the cause. The most common of these is colds or ARVI.

put a nose on what to do
First, let's talk about what drugs can beget a pharmacy. Self-administration of medicines for the common cold can not be performed for more than 2-3 days without the supervision of a doctor, but they can be facilitated before going to a clinic. The pharmacist will offer a choice of sprays or drops in the nose, tablets or powders that are taken orally, or solutions for rinsing. If you have a nose, what do you do best, what type of drugs do you prefer?

Let us consider each group in more detail.Swelling of the mucous membrane, because of which there is a sense of nasal congestion, can be removed with the help of vasoconstrictive drugs. Usually, sprays or drops in the nose are used for this purpose. Relief of the condition occurs almost immediately, but you can not use them more often 2-3 times a day and longer than 5 days. Give preference to droplets on a plant basis, they are slower to act, but do not become addictive and do not hurt the mucosa so much.
You picked up the ARVI and laid your nose?What to do in this situation? When the cause lies in the virus, you can use complex cold preparations that act as anti-inflammatory, antiviral and vasoconstrictor immediately. These can be tablets or powders. With caution, they should be used in cores and hypertensive patients. And yet locally acting drops in the nose and sprays help to be more effective and safer.

stuffy nose in summer
Absolutely different from the previous method of treatment -washing of the nose with special saline solutions. They allow you to clean the nasal cavity, remove swelling, inflammation and increase the protective properties of the mucosa. Did you decide to start washing when you laid your nose? What to do and how to do it correctly? Hold the head at a slope, inject the solution into one nostril until it starts to flow out of the other, now you can bleach the remnants. Regular procedures allow you to completely get rid of the disease.

По утрам нос заложен?With chronic difficulty breathing, you can use folk methods. Cook two eggs, wrap in handkerchiefs and warm up, pressing them to both sides of the nose. Cooled eggs will go to breakfast, and you noticeably feel better. You can use heated salt or sand in tissue bags. Constantly massage the nose. This is useful not only when you are already sick, but also for prevention.

in the morning the nose is laid
You can dig in the nose of the Kalanchoe juice every three hours. A few days later, there will be no trace of the cold.

It is especially offensive when the nose is stuffy in the summer.In the street heat, but here you need to be treated. To quickly restore labored breathing, you can combine the reception of pharmaceuticals and folk methods. The main thing is not to overdo it. And still it is better to seek advice from a doctor, especially if the improvement does not occur long. Suddenly, the disease is more serious than you think.

Well, most importantly - do not get cold! Dress in the weather and try not to contact sick people.

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