/ / Oral surgery to remove ovarian and uterus cysts

The abdominal operation to remove the cyst of the ovary and uterus

Ovarian cyst is a kind offormation that is filled with fluid. As a rule, it is not dangerous for a woman's health, because she often passes after several menstrual cycles. However, there are cases (the formation began to bleed, ruptured, twisted or began to exert pressure on neighboring organs), when just a cavular operation to remove the ovarian cyst.

Cavity operation
This education is of a different nature. It all depends on what type of cyst you have. She may be:

1. Follicular.This formation is considered not life threatening and resolves itself in several cycles (menstrual). The cyst grows up to a maximum of four centimeters, but with a break there is a sharp pain in the abdomen. Therefore, the doctor must observe the observation.

2. Cyst of the yellow body. It can occur after ovulation on only one ovary, and its development passes for a woman asymptomatically.

Cystic surgery to remove the ovarian cyst
3. The cyst is hemorrhagic. It develops due to hemorrhage in the follicular cyst. As a rule, such education is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen.

4. Dermoid.It grows more than ten centimeters and is considered to be a real tumor (benign). If the inflammation develops or it is twisted, the patient is urgently assigned a graft operation

Кисты яичников незначительных размеров, как rule, are not subject to serious surgical intervention. However, if the size of education has become more than ten centimeters, the caval operation is simply necessary. Today there is a more refined and improved surgical method, which is called laparoscopy. On the body of a woman after surgery there are only a few minor points. Therefore, this method is sparing. These dots will soon heal completely, not even a trace remains. This method is very common, because recovery and recovery is much faster than after an ordinary operation.

Abdominal surgery called doctorslaparotomy and is a cut on the abdominal wall (front), followed by the operation itself. According to statistics, in 98% of cases a cyst is removed simultaneously with the ovary during laparotomy. Of course, abdominal surgery involves the formation of adhesions, which leads to further infertility. This is the main disadvantage of this method of surgical intervention.

Cystic surgery for the removal of the uterus
It is practiced and the abdominal surgery to removeUterus, which is referred to as a hysterectomy. Indications for its conduct are associated with the treatment of various women's problems. Depending on the specific complaints of the patient, the doctor selects the type of surgery. If a woman still has menstruation at the time of her illness, the abdominal operation will in any case lead to their stopping.

Since this is a serious operation, the doctorcan offer a woman to try in the beginning other options for treatment. In addition, the patient can completely abandon the operation. Only it should be understood that in some cases (unbearable pain, regular bleeding, with cancer), cavitary surgery is the only way to recovery.

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