As a rule, vomiting in a baby is a reaction toany external stimulus or acts as a symptom of the disease. Remember that before you think how to stop a baby's vomiting, you need to determine its cause. If vomiting occurs once, there is no reason to worry. However, when there is a systematic recurrence of vomiting, you need to contact the doctor as soon as possible. Strictly contraindicated wait a few days, and even more so, weeks.
There are several basic signs, in the presence of which it is worth considering how to stop vomiting in a child:
The greatest danger of the occurrence of vomiting is for young children, especially for babies up to a year.
If a child after eating regurgitationaccompanied by the release of bile, and, this regurgitation is observed not constantly after feeding, it is necessary to undergo examination for the presence or absence of pylorospasm. Also, bile may be a sign of the presence of pancreatic diseases, hepatic dysfunction, gallbladder disease or the result of improper feeding.
If vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea and an increasetemperature, it can become a sign of an infectious disease. Often the cause of vomiting in infants is dysbiosis. In this case, you need not only to know how to stop vomiting, but also to undergo a special examination for the treatment of the disease.
There are several main recommendations that will help you decide how to stop vomiting in a child:
However, it must be remembered that when the child is unconscious, it is impossible to wash the stomach.
When vomiting stopped, you can not have a babymake you drink or eat. Wait until he himself asks. A little water is allowed only after 2 hours after the completion of vomiting. If after this vomiting does not happen again, after a quarter of an hour it is allowed to give a drink a little more. You can feed only after the child's request for food. And the food should be light, and the portion - small.
There are many ways to stopvomiting in the child, but it is important to remember that it should be treated only after examination in a hospital institution. Only after that the doctor can appoint the appropriate treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of vomiting. The task of parents is to carefully monitor the baby's nutrition, provide it with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.