/ / "Preductal MB": reviews of cardiologists and patients. "Preductal MB": instructions for use, price and reviews

"Preductal MB": reviews of cardiologists and patients. "Preductal MB": instructions for use, price and reviews

Heart diseases are quite common todayoften. Deterioration of well-being can be a signal of a serious ailment. The heart is one of the most important organs of man. If pathology develops, other functional systems also suffer. In the field of cardiology, preparations "Preductal MB", "Preductal" are widely used. Instructions for use, price and reviews - all this information can be found below. It should be borne in mind that a medication can only be prescribed by an appropriate specialist.


The drug helps to improve metabolism inischemic area of ​​the heart muscle. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets of pink color, covered with a film membrane. The active ingredient is trimetazidine dihydrochloride. In one dose contains 35 mg of the main substance.

preductal mv reviews of cardiologists
Additional components are povidone,calcium hydrophosphate, magnesium stearate, macrogol, silicon. The medicine is produced in blisters, 30 pieces each. Among the specialists, Preductal MB is very popular. Cardiology reviews show that the medicine is a real salvation for people who have problems related to the cardiovascular system.


The drug prevents the lowering of ATP insidecells by saving the energy balance. This is especially important when they have oxygen starvation. The drug normalizes the operation of membrane ion channels, transmembrane transfer of potassium and sodium ions is performed, cellular homeostasis is preserved. The main substance of the pill slows the absorption of fatty acids, which leads to the oxidation of glucose. Thus, the drug restores and protects the myocardium from ischemia. Also worth noting the following positive actions:

  • the neurosensory organs are maintained during ischemia;
  • increases the energy metabolism of the heart muscle;
  • the zone of damage to the myocardium after the ischemic process decreases;
  • there is no direct effect on hemodynamic parameters.

mildronate or preductal
When angina pectoris is also used"Preductal MB". Reviews of cardiologists show that the drug is quite effective. The drug is safe for patients with stable angina, both in individual treatment and in complex therapy. It is no coincidence that in the departments of cardiology the remedy "Preductal MB" is increasingly used. A medication in a hospital makes the patients feel well.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is indicated for long-term treatment of ischemic heart disease. It also serves as a quality prophylaxis for angina attacks. The agent is used singly or as part of complex therapy.

preductal mv reviews of specialists and patients
Do not administer medication with severeindicators of renal pathology, as well as Parkinson's disease. The tablets are not yet fully investigated and therefore it is not recommended to take them to children under 18 years old. Also, the remedy is not used for hypersensitivity to the drug components. With care, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for liver failure. It is not recommended to use the medicine for patients older than 75 years. You should read the instructions before using Preductal MB tablets. Reviews of cardiologists show that side effects are more often associated with improper intake of medication.


In most cases, it is necessary to takeone tablet twice a day. It is recommended to use the product in the morning and evening during meals. The maximum allowable dose of the drug should not exceed 70 mg. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. The daily rate can be established only by a doctor.

appointed preductal discussion
The tablet is taken whole, not liquid.It should be washed down with plenty of water. Patients with renal failure are recommended to take no more than one tablet a day. It is advisable to conduct therapy in the morning during breakfast.

To date, the symptoms of an overdose of tablets "Preductal MB" have not been thoroughly studied. Reviews of cardiologists show that the remedy is well tolerated by patients and is not addictive.

Side effects

Can develop with the treatment of pills suchunpleasant symptoms like nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, flatulence. There may also be dizziness, staggering when walking, symptoms of parkinsonism. When taking the remedy, there is increased heart rate, a noticeable decrease in pressure, tremor, sleep disturbance.

As a rule, any unpleasant symptoms are observed only at the initial stage of treatment. Within a week, the patient's condition improves significantly.

preductal mv preductal price instruction and reviews
Keep the tablets in a dry place, inaccessiblefor children. In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed by prescription. Medication is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. It is necessary to carefully study the instruction, if you have designated "Preductal". Discussion of therapy with a cardiologist is also a key to successful treatment. Do not use medicines on your own.

Tablets "Preductal MB". Reviews of specialists and patients about the drug

In most cases, cardiologists are not afraidprescribe treatment with this drug. Experts believe that the drug "Preductal" works better and more effectively as part of complex therapy. It is not used to provide first aid during an attack of angina pectoris. This is due to the fact that the tablets have an accumulative effect. A positive result is not immediately noticeable.

Basically, the drug is prescribed for treatmentischemic heart disease. Pleases patients the price of the medicine. The cost of pills is about 800 rubles. Many cardiac drugs will require much more impressive costs. Despite the positive side, it is not worth using a medicine without a specialist's recommendation. What means is better used for treatment, Mildronate or Preductal, a professional cardiologist will be able to tell.

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