/ / The drug "Spemann": instructions for use and reviews

The drug "Spemann": instructions for use and reviews

The drug "Spemann" is an integratedAyurvedic herbal preparation, which is used for the treatment of spermatogenesis disorders, as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia. Produced in the form of light brown tablets.

spemann instruction

Pharmacological properties

Phytopreparation improves reproductivefunction and support men's health. The active substances of the drug accelerate spermatogenesis, reduce the viscosity of sperm, increase the mobility of spermatozoa. The useful action of the drug "Spemann" (instructions for use indicates) is due to the plant compound, which includes a powerful aphrodisiac - long-leaf astringent. It is often used in Ayurvedic practice for ailments of the urogenital system in men. Velvet beans accelerate the formation of a hormone of dopamine, associated with sexual behavior and psychological state.

speman instructions reviews

Мужской ятрышник – это также сильный афродизиак, which has no side effects. Rejuvenating and tonic properties of the drug are manifested due to beautiful arginia, which also affects the supporting, motor and nervous systems. Increased level of testosterone, improving the overall condition of the reproductive system in men is promoted by creeping anchors.

Thus, the "Spemann" agent reducesdysuric disorders, inflammatory and stagnant phenomena in the pelvic organs, is used for prostatic hyperplasia, rejuvenates the body, supports the sexual system in a tone, promotes the formation of healthy spermatozoa and full sperm.

During treatment of prostate adenoma are reducedsigns of difficulty urinating, blood circulation improves after the use of "Spemann". The instruction speaks about the effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. After taking the pills, the level of leukocytes in the secretion of the gland is significantly reduced, the inflammation of the prostate is reduced. As part of a comprehensive treatment, the drug allows you to normalize the hormonal balance, improve the erection and strengthen the libido, improve your health and overall health.

Indications for use

spemann instruction price
The Speman tool recommendsuse for symptomatic therapy of benign hyperplasia. In addition, the drug is prescribed for oligospermia, low mobility of spermatozoa. For prophylactic purposes, tablets are used for acute and chronic forms of the prostate, adenoma, male infertility, premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, inflammation of the pelvis.

The drug "Spemann": instructions, reviews

The medicine is taken three times a day for twopills. Gradually, the dosage is reduced. Reviews say about the duration of therapy, reaching six months. There have been no cases of overdose. With individual intolerance, which is the only contraindication, there may be an allergy.

"Speman" tool: instruction, price

The cost of the medication is about 250-280 rubles.

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