Soda is an excellent treatment for manyany housewife knows about this. Most often drinking soda is used for heartburn, it helps to neutralize excess acid in the stomach. Too frequent intake of soda inside can lead to alkalization of blood, which is why you should not abuse this remedy for heartburn. It is best to use it as an external agent, in this case it does not give any side effects.
In what cases do I gargle with soda?
In the life of each of us, unpleasantmoments when the throat suddenly fell ill, and ahead of a responsible meeting or social reception. With angina, stomatitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the pharynx soda is an excellent tool, it neutralizes the acids in the throat, which are formed as a result of the vital activity of pathogens. In order to get rid of this problem, gargle with soda and salt with the addition of iodine. To do this, take a glass of water on a teaspoon of salt and soda and a few drops of iodine. If you gargle this throat five times during the day, then literally by the evening the pain will pass. This is how you can rinse your throat for children with sore throats, pharyngitis and acute respiratory infections.
Inhalations and drinking with soda for colds
The most common method of treatmentcolds, which our grandmothers used also, are inhalations with drinking soda. In this case, one glass of water should take one teaspoon of soda, boil and breathe over steam for 15-20 minutes. Such inhalations perfectly help not only with cold, but also with a cold. You can rinse your throat with soda and drip a solution of soda into your nose (a pinch of soda to dissolve in two teaspoons of water). Baking soda is also an excellent expectorant, for this, a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of soda is added to half a glass of water. To cure a dry cough you can use soda with milk, for this you need to drink a glass of warm milk for a night with a spoonful of soda.
Drinking soda from thrush
Sometimes drinking soda is used in treatmentthrush, although the positive effect of such treatment is achieved only in half the cases. The fungus, which causes the thrush, dies in an alkaline environment, which is why a solution of soda is used for douches (1 tablespoon per liter of boiling water). Such treatment is quite safe and very cheap, however, and it has its drawbacks. Firstly, to cure thrush, it is necessary to perform the procedure 5-6 times a day for two weeks, and secondly, a stable positive effect is achieved only in 50% of cases. That is why this method of treating thrush is used extremely rarely, because in the pharmacy there are many modern antifungal drugs.
How to rinse your mouth with soda?
Gargling with soda can also be done with caries,this is a great way to keep your teeth in perfect order, because soda does not spoil the enamel and does not contribute to the destruction of teeth. Sometimes a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda is used to rinse the mouth, it is this method of rinsing that helps to eliminate an unpleasant odor from the mouth. Before using this method, you should first find out the cause of its occurrence: perhaps an unpleasant smell is a consequence of some internal disease. In this case it is better to be examined by a doctor. With fungal stomatitis, you can gargle with soda (0.5 teaspoons of soda for a glass of water), several procedures will help relieve soreness in the mouth and facilitate the process of eating.
Drinking soda helps in many cases, howeverit is not a panacea for all ills. Use it best when at hand there is no more modern medicines or there is no opportunity to visit a doctor.