Hardly any of us can say that neverdid not suffer from various colds, in particular, such as laryngitis. What it is? It is an inflammation of the larynx. Most often, this ailment acts as a symptom of such diseases as ARVI, influenza, whooping cough, and scarlet fever.
Distinguish between chronic and acute laryngitis. Causes of the disease can be the following:
One of the characteristic features of thisdisease is a hoarse voice. In some cases, due to severe swelling, it may disappear altogether. In addition to this symptom, perspiration and dryness in the throat, dry non-productive cough are observed. There may be shortness of breath and discomfort during swallowing. If there is a temperature increase and a headache, then this is an acute laryngitis. Treatment in this case should be immediate, since a strong swelling of the mucous layer of the larynx can develop, because of which it is practically impossible to breathe.
So, the laryngitis - what it is, we know.Now we know what his treatment is. Therapy of the disease, above all, is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused laryngitis. With this disease the patient is not recommended to talk loudly, smoke, drink alcohol. It is necessary to exclude too hot, rough, spicy, salty foods from the diet. The inhaled air must be moist and warm. Breathing should always be done through the nose. This will not only protect the sore throat from getting cold air, but will also prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. They ease the condition and reduce the swelling of the inhalation. To soften the walls of the larynx, a similar procedure is carried out with the addition of soda, fir and eucalyptus oils, which help to reduce edema. To avoid burns, inhalation is carried out with moist air just above room temperature.
When laryngitis is recommended to use warmvitaminized drink (compotes, fruit drinks, milk), gargle with infusions of medicinal herbs (eucalyptus, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, sage). Well, warm compresses on the neck and hot foot baths help.
If the cause of laryngitis is viralinfection, the body will gradually cope with the ailment itself, and the above procedures will simply help alleviate the condition of the patient. If the disease is caused by bacteria or fungi, then you can not do without antimicrobial agents. The main thing - do not engage in self-medication and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. After all, uncontrolled intake of medicines, in particular antibiotics, can only exacerbate the problem.
To prevent any colds it is very important to strengthen immunity: walk outdoors daily, perform hardening procedures, and eat well.
If you are diagnosed with a disease such as laryngitis, what it is and how to treat it, you after reading the article became aware.