Unfortunately, I had a pain in my throatalmost everyone. It can be caused by many causes and diseases, from pharyngitis to streptococcal infection, from scarlet fever to listeriosis. There are several ways to get rid of this pain syndrome, especially if it accompanies ARVI. Among them are special lollipops, rinses, compresses. A very effective spray for the throat, while choosing it is necessary depending on the disease.
If the infection is located below the epiglottisthis is often evidenced by a settled voice), such aerosols as "Geksoral" and "Stopangin" are effective. They suppress the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, soften the pain and disinfect the oral cavity. In addition, they can stop the small bleeding that occurs in the mouth due to the fragility of the vessels. Spray for the throat, in contrast to the lozenges or rinses, allows you to deliver the drug into the trachea. In addition, aerosols are dosed, so they are fairly simple to use.
In order to use this drug, forit is necessary to insert the applicator into the mouth, hold your breath and press the cap. After application, the applicator is rinsed in running water. Since small children can not always specifically hold their breath, they, most often, do not recommend a spray for the throat with an antibiotic, despite the high effectiveness of this remedy.
The agent "Septisol Oral", aerosol, possessinganti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. The composition, in addition to the main active ingredient, includes medicinal herbs, mummies, propolis, stone oil, natural malachite.
This tool is recommended wheninfectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat, such as angina, laryngitis, stomatitis, with surgical interventions, as well as for the prevention of diseases in the season of epidemics. The throat spray "Septisol Oral" removes the laryngeal edema, reduces pain and inflammation. In addition, the substances contained herein contribute to an increase in local immunity.
Widely used in preventive, as well asmedicinal purposes, such drugs as "Aquamaris" and "Akvalor" for the throat. They include an isotonic solution of sea water. These drugs have virtually no contraindications. Both these and other aerosols can be used as a spray for children's throat, especially when preventing various diseases. Apply the drugs several times a day for one or two injections. After each use, the tube-applicator must be washed.
Medicines for the throat on the basis of sea waterhave a local anti-inflammatory and moisturizing action. They help reduce the pain when swallowing, which can occur when an infection occurs. The duration of use of these funds is not limited. At the same time, their use is permissible even in the period of expectation of the child and breastfeeding. Use such a spray for the throat can be in the dental and ENT-practice.
Effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobialthe means is "Yoks". In its composition are povidone-iodine and allotoin. Due to the properties inherent in these substances, the drug is an effective antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial drug. However, there are contraindications for its use. Among them, sensitivity to components, age to 6 years, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Swallowing the spray is undesirable, since it is intended for external use only. Since iodine is quite toxic, this drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women.
In any case, before using the drug for treatment, first consult the doctor.