Everyone who has ever encountered a problemof excess weight, knows how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of the kilograms gained over years of malnutrition and lack of physical activity. But if you are determined to lose weight, then not only low-calorie diets, which are not easy to observe, but also supplements, in a large assortment offered in pharmacies and health food stores, can help you. Today we will talk about the medical product "Goldline". Comments of doctors, composition, characteristics and other information about this medication you can find in our article. Keep in mind that these tablets are indicated for use only for those with a body mass index (BMI) that exceeds 27, that is, if you need to remove the last 3-5 kg of excess weight, while your BMI is in acceptable standards, and you are not diagnosed with obesity, then you can not take this medication. Addition of "Goldline", doctors' reviews about which are positive in terms of effectiveness, should be used under medical supervision in combination with the recommended diet. Patients with even a very large body weight show a loss of 5-15 kg, but at the same time, doctors warn that the drug has a huge number of contraindications (they will be listed below), because of which its sale was banned in the US, Canada and Australia. In Russia, it is not sold freely and is released in pharmacies only on prescription.
The drug for weight loss "Goldline": reviews of doctors, composition and characteristics

The main active substance of this drug -sibutramine (sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate) - is a very powerful regulator of appetite. This effect is achieved by accelerating the release of serotonin, which is also called the "pleasure hormone," which is why you do not want to eat, your craving for foods rich in carbohydrates decreases, and there is an effect on metabolic processes in the body. Fat coming from food is split, and the energy that is released is actively used by the body, and tissues absorb glucose much more easily. Moreover, sibutramine reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body, while also contributing to an increase in the amount of the beneficial, which is actively involved in the metabolism. This drug is available in capsules of 10 and 15 mg, the country of origin - India. The analogues of this medicine are well-known preparations "Reduxin", "Obustat", "Lindax" and "Meridia". All the medicines listed above have the active substance already mentioned sibutramine. The dosage of the drug should be calculated by your doctor, the general recommendations are as follows: start taking is recommended with 10 mg per day (1 tablet) and, if good tolerability of the active substance is observed, increase the dose to 15 mg per day. If the medicine does not help, that is, the patient does not have a decrease in body weight, or losing weight is very slow (less than 2 kg in 4 weeks), then the drug is usually withdrawn. But this happens rarely enough.

And yet why with all the listedadvantages of a medicament for weight loss "Goldline" doctors' reviews about him are quite restrained (in terms of impact on the health of the body)? Moreover, some are categorically against its use by patients suffering from excess weight. The fact is that, as already mentioned, this drug has a huge number of contraindications and side effects, which are observed in almost all who use this drug. Therefore, the drug "Goldline" for weight loss, reviews of which are mixed, although it helps most of the respondents to achieve impressive results (some lost and 5, 10, 20, and even 30 kg of weight for six months), but causes significant discomfort during admission.
Sibutramine: contraindications to use and side effects (using Goldline as an example)
Before you start the process of getting rid of excess weight, using this drug, carefully read the list of diseases and conditions in which the intake of sibutramine is strictly prohibited:
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- obesity of the organic type in the patient;
- the presence of anorexia or bulimia;
- any diseases of the psyche;
- Tourette's syndrome;
- heart disease (ischemic, insufficiency, arrhythmia, heart defects and a number of others);
- tachycardia;
- diseases of peripheral arteries;
- problems with cerebral circulation;
- impaired liver or kidney function;
- glaucoma;
- drug or alcohol dependence.
There are also a number of side effects:
- frequent headaches, insomnia, dizziness, restlessness;
- increased heart rate;
- dry mouth;
- complete loss of appetite;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, diarrhea, nausea.
These are the contraindications and side effectshave sibutramine-containing drugs and, in particular, Goldline. Diet pills, reviews, characteristics and composition of which we reviewed in the article, are widely represented in pharmacies. Therefore, before you use slimming tablets "Goldline", "Reduxin" and the like, be sure to decide together with your attending physician whether this is necessary for you. Excess kilograms for a certain period will leave your body if you start to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe a low-calorie diet, or just start to eat in a balanced way, as well as play sports. Remember that you have one health, and to restore the body after the possible consequences of taking strong drugs is not so simple.