/ / "Krestor": instructions for use, reviews, release forms. The analogue of the "Cross"

"Krestor": instructions for use, feedback, release forms. The analogue of the "Cross"

A person can feel great, walk onwork, engage in everyday affairs and only after giving blood learns about the diagnosis - "hyperlipidemia." This is a pathology in which the level of triglycerides and cholesterol increases in the body. The insidiousness of the ailment lies in its asymptomatic course. But it is he who increases the risk of atherosclerotic plaques. And those, in turn, can lead to a heart attack, stroke. The timely release of such serious consequences allows the drug "Krestor". This is an effective medicine of the last generation. We will consider in more detail the instructions for use and the main analogues of the "Cross".

analogue of the cruciform

Form of issue, composition

The drug "Crestor" is available in the form of tablets.

However, depending on the amount of active substance - rosuvastatin - several types of pills are produced:

  1. Some of them differ in yellow color. The pills are biconvex, round. On their surface is engraved ZD4522 5. Each tablet contains 5 mg of the main substance.
  2. Other pills differ in pink. They are also biconvex, round. But they contain already 10 mg of active ingredient. Engraving on such tablets is as follows: ZD4522 10.
  3. The pills containing 20 mg of rosuvastatin are produced. They are also pink in color. They are distinguished by engraving ZD4522 20.
  4. There are tablets in which the main substance contains 40 mg. Such pills are pink in color, but oval in shape. On one surface of the tablet is engraved ZD4522, and on the other - 40.

All drugs - both the original drug, and any analogue of "Crestor" - are sold only on prescription.

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Action medication

The drug "Crestor" is a modern lipid-lowering agent. It is often used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis.

The active ingredients included in the medicament provide the following effects on the body:

  • hypocholesterolemic;
  • hypolipidemic.

Its effectiveness is confirmed by patients' feedback. They testify that the drug "Crestor" - from cholesterol is one of the best means. In this case, almost all patients are well tolerated.

The beneficial effect of the drug is already noticeablea week later. However, the maximum effect occurs only after 14-30 days of taking the drug "Krestor". Instructions for use (analogues also do not work immediately) warns about this.

Analogues of the drug can have a toxic effect on the liver. The drug "Crestor" is favorably different from them. Because it does not have a negative impact on an important organ.

The drug may be the only drug intherapy of hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia. Sometimes it is recommended to use it as an additive to a diet. And in some cases it, in combination with other medicines, constitutes cholesterol-lowering treatment.

In pharmacies you can find a wonderful analogue of the "Cross". But this issue should initially be solved with the doctor.

Crestor analogues price

Indications for use

Choosing the analogue of the "Crestor", be sure to consider under what conditions the tool is recommended for use.

The original medication has the following indications:

  • primary hypercholesterolemia;
  • prevention of stroke;
  • mixed hypercholesterolemia;
  • prevention of heart attack;
  • family homozygous hypercholesterolemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertriglyceridemia.

Dosage of the medicine

Assigns tablets "Krestor" only a doctor. Dosages depend on the stage of pathology and the risk of developing heart diseases.

Doctors recommend adhering to the following rules when using this medication:

  1. The pill should not be shredded. It is swallowed whole.
  2. Take the drug is allowed at any time. Its use does not depend on food intake.
  3. Before the treatment of the drug "Krestor" the patient must be transferred to a hypolipidemic diet. It continues during the reception of tablets.
  4. The dose of the drug is selected individually. As a rule, at the beginning of therapy, it is 5 or 10 mg. The tablet is consumed once a day.
  5. In case of poor treatment effectiveness, the dose increase is possible only after 4 weeks of therapy. In this case, the patient is recommended to take a pill containing 20 mg of the basic substance once a day.
  6. Very rarely prescribed maximum dosagemedicines. It is indicated only for those patients who are diagnosed with a severe stage of hypercholesterolemia and a high risk of developing cardiac and vascular pathologies. At the same time, a dosage of 40 mg is indicated if the 20 mg tablet taken did not have the desired effect.
  7. Patients who are recommended to take the maximum dose of the drug are under constant doctor control, since the risk of developing adverse side effects is high.
  8. After 2-4 weeks in people who use high doses of medicines, it is necessary to monitor the lipid metabolism. Depending on the test results, the assignments are adjusted.

Crusher instruction manual

Side effects

Patients with compliance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor rarely face negative consequences from taking the drug "Krestor". The feedback of people confirm this.

According to the instructions, such reactions can occur:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract: nausea, pain in the abdomen, constipation.
  2. Nervous system: dizziness, often there is a headache.
  3. Skin: itching, hives, sometimes rash.
  4. The immune system: rarely angioedema develops.
  5. Musculoskeletal system: myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, myopathy.
  6. Urinary system: proteinuria.



The drug "Crestor" has a number of limitations. Be sure to read them before using the drug.

Tablets (10 mg, 20 mg) are contraindicated:

  • with increased sensitivity;
  • liver diseases that occur in the active stage, including with a persistent increase in the serum activity of transaminases;
  • expressed violations in the work of the kidneys;
  • myopathy;
  • simultaneous use of the drug "Ciclosporin";
  • pregnancy;
  • lactational period;
  • lack of adequate contraception;
  • predisposition to the occurrence of myotoxic complications.

Pills of 40 mg have the following limitations to reception:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • simultaneous therapy with the drug "Ciclosporin";
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • ineffective methods of contraception;
  • pathology of the liver, which are diagnosed in active form;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • kidney failure;
  • muscular diseases in the anamnesis (either personal or family);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • myotoxicity as a result of taking other drugs;
  • conditions that increase the concentration of rosuvastatin;
  • simultaneous therapy with fibrates;
  • Asian race.

Drug analogues

Today, you can pick up sufficiently effectivereplacements of the "Cross". However, do not rush to do it yourself. Do not forget, if you were prescribed an original medicine, it is the drug "Crestor" that is excellent for your body and the ailment with which you have to fight. Therefore, it is not only undesirable to select other medications independently, but it can also be dangerous.

The most basic analogue of "Krestor" is the medicine "Rosuvastatin". However, the pharmaceutical market is able to offer other means, no less effective.

Excellent analogs of the original drug are medicines:

  • "Rosistark".
  • Rosart.
  • «Acorta».
  • "Mertenil."
  • "Tevastor".
  • The Rosacard.
  • "Roxer".
  • "Rosuvastatin calcium."
  • Rosicor.
  • "Rustor".
  • «Rosuvastatin-SZ».
  • "Rosulip".

medicine crucifix

Cost of medicines

It is often necessary to replace the originalthe means arise as a result of its high price. Unfortunately, many people can not afford the purchase of the drug "Krestor." Analogues, whose price is much lower, are in this case an excellent alternative. Just do not forget to consult your doctor first.

So, let's get acquainted with the prices for the original medicine and the basic analogues:

  • the drug "Krestor" No. 28 (10 mg) - 1676 rubles;
  • the medicine "Krestor" No. 28 (20 mg) - 2825 rubles;
  • Tablets "Akorta" № 30 (10 mg) - 511.40 rubles;
  • Medication "Akorta" № 30 (20 mg) - 1049.50 rubles;
  • Mementenil No. 30 (10 mg) - 663 rubles;
  • the preparation "Мertenil" № 30 (20 mg) - 1045 rubles;
  • the medicine "Rosuvastatin" No. 30 (10 mg) - 478.70 rubles;
  • tablets "Rosuvastatin" № 30 (20 mg) - 622.30 rubles.

What do doctors and patients think about the drug?

Of course, first of all the opinion of people is important,who are confronted with this drug. What do doctors say about the drug "Cross"? The doctor's testimonies indicate that the patients who were prescribed this drug had a very low cholesterol level. At the same time, in most of them, the indicator reached a normal level a week after the start of the treatment.

Doctors say that this medication is beautifulhas been studied, has a large evidence base. Tablets are of high quality. Therefore, this drug in comparison with other medicines of this group works more efficiently. Often it is well tolerated by the body.

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It's amazing, but the medicine "Krestor"refers to the category of drugs about which the opinions of doctors and patients completely coincide. People who have been prescribed a remedy note that the pills perfectly help lower cholesterol. This is evidenced by all patients who use the medicine.

Most of the reviews are left by patients who have experiencedheart attack or stroke. They show that the medication is very effective. However, some of them had to drink tablets for about a month, so that the high figure dropped to normal.

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