Hypertension is a pathology in whicha person increased blood pressure. This disease is often referred to as a "silent killer". This pathology has been given due to the fact that often its development occurs without visible signs, but the disease itself often leads to serious complications.
The reasons for the appearance of states when ya person increased blood pressure, is not completely determined. However, specific factors are known, the impact of which contributes to the development of hypertension. Among them there are those who do not depend on a person. For example, age (in older people there is a much greater risk of developing pathology). The emergence of hypertension is affected by heredity. The risk of increasing pressure is greatest in men, and it differs in different ethnic groups and age categories.
There are such negative factors for a person,which he is able to control. Often increased the pressure in those who have a high body weight. The risk of developing hypertension in complete people increases sixfold. There is a negative reaction to salt. At the same time reducing the use of this product lowers the pressure. People who abuse alcohol are also at risk. In this case, there is a greater probability of developing hypertension in those who have a predisposition to it. Possible pathology and with low physical activity. Sedentary, as well as a sedentary daily lifestyle invariably leads to obesity and increased pressure. Some drugs also cause hypertension. Increased pressure provokes stimulants, oral contraceptives and diet pills.