His throat was sore, his nose was puffy, and you feelgeneral lethargy in the body? All these are symptoms of a cold. What to do if at this moment you are written to the doctor - can you treat your teeth for a cold? It is difficult to answer unequivocally, in most cases it is better to postpone recording for a period after the disease.
It is difficult to answer the question whether it is possible to treat teeth with colds, because sometimes the pain is so strong that everything just falls out of your hands.
Most dentists will say that it does not fitgo to treat your teeth if you suddenly get sick. There are different situations, and in each of them, you should first consult with your doctor about what will be best for you - to lie down at home or to make a seal.
Postpone the treatment of teeth for colds due to several reasons:
Consequently, tooth treatment for colds, evenif it hurts, it is best to reschedule. Especially since ARVI is accompanied by nasal congestion, sore throat or cough, and at the dentist you will have to sit for at least 40 minutes in the same position. Your head will be thrown back, and your mouth is open, which will bring a lot of discomfort for colds.
In most cases, doctors will say that having a cold, at any stage of it, is still a contraindication for dental treatment. But sometimes exceptions are allowed.
So, to the question of whether it is possible to treat the teeth withcold, a positive response will be given in situations if you have a rapid and strong development of the inflammatory process or a high likelihood of getting such a disease as a flux
If you have one of these situations, then in this case you need to go to the dentist, even if you are at the same time sick with ARVI.
On the question of whether it is possible to treat teeth with colds with fever, all qualified dentists will give you an unambiguous answer - you can not.
The appearance of high temperature indicatesThe fact that your body is fighting hard against bacteria that have got into it. In this state, he is already working at the limit of his capabilities, so that additional intervention will only hurt. Moreover, in such a situation, the healing of wounds that occur during the treatment of teeth can be significantly delayed, and hence the risk of getting new infections will increase.
Of course, it is quite another matter if the temperatureis caused not by the common cold, but, on the contrary, by the inflammatory process, for example, in the gums. Then the appeal to the dentist is not only allowed, but also necessary, and urgently. Since even a small cyst in the soft tissues of the mouth can lead to very serious consequences.
Since the question of whether it is possible to treat the teeth during a cold, all the doctors will say that it is better to transfer the procedures, another question arises: what is to be done, if you go crazy with pain?
In such situations, you can resort to several ways to reduce suffering:
Of course, all methods will only bring temporaryrest, but at least help you to maintain your self-control until recovery. After the acute stage of the cold passes, you can make an appointment with a dentist and cure an annoying tooth.
Herpes is a very common viral disease, which can be located on the lips. Therefore, before visiting a dentist, it is worth considering whether it is possible to treat the teeth with a cold on the lips.
No qualified physician in the field ofDentistry will not take up your treatment if you see herpes. After all, the virus from the lips can most likely get into the mouth during the treatment. And this, in turn, will lead to another complicated disease - stomatitis. And even in the sterile conditions of the dental office, the virus can continue to exist after you leave, and there is a big risk of infection of the next patient. And this will affect the overall reputation of the clinic.
Moreover, the correct treatment of colds on the lips will take you only a few days, so it's better to transfer your visit to the dentist for this period.
Let's sum up, answering a question, whether it is possible to treat a teeth at cold: