Disorders of cerebral circulation, from whichEarlier only old people suffered, now it is more and more often found in young people and even in children. They can cause serious illnesses and abnormalities in health. Therefore, drugs that help with problems with cerebral vessels are becoming more and more in demand. One of the most popular was the drug Vinpocetin Forte. Instruction for use describes it as very effective in various diseases and a fairly safe drug. It helps with any violations of the cerebral circulation and is prescribed even for children. And more and more people are wondering what "Vinpocetin Forte" is. The instructions for use describe in detail which drug has an effect, when and how it should be taken.
"Vinpocetine", the price of which is low - about 100rubles, belongs to the group of psychostimulating and nootropic drugs. The main active substance effectively improves cerebral blood flow, dilates blood vessels and reduces blood viscosity.
Instruction for use calls the main indication for the use of the drug is a disorder of cerebral circulation. But "Vinpocetine" has a complex effect on the body:
- improves blood circulation and accelerates the circulation of blood in the brain tissues;
- dilates blood vessels and relaxes their smooth muscles;
- improves the transport and assimilation of glucose by tissues;
- increases the stability of nerve cells to lack of oxygen;
- improves metabolism and metabolism in the brain;
- has an antioxidant effect;
- stimulates the production of norepinephrine and serotonin;
- Reduces the viscosity of the blood, positively affecting platelets and erythrocytes;
- helps in the enrichment of brain tissues with oxygen, improving its assimilation;
- slightly reduces blood pressure.
These properties explain the high popularity of the drug "Vinpocetine". Indications for its use are detailed in the instruction:
- Various diseases associated with impaired cerebral circulation: ischemic stroke, encephalopathy, atherosclerosis, vascular dementia;
- spasms of cerebral vessels;
- mental and neurological disorders: memory disorder, dizziness, headache, noise and ringing in the ears;
- Diseases of the vessels of the eyes: secondary glaucoma, vascular thrombosis, changes in the yellow spot;
- senile disorders of memory, hearing and vestibular apparatus associated with circulatory insufficiency in the cephalon brain;
- Ménière's disease;
- climacteric syndrome;
- recovery from brain trauma.
Quite often, doctors prescribe "Vinpocetine" forImprove memory and reduce mental abilities in children. This property of the drug is sometimes used by students, taking it during sessions. But such use of the drug without doctor's prescription can be dangerous.
But not all can be used for treatment"Vinpocetine." Indications for its use, many like and lead to the fact that sometimes the drug is drunk without prescribing a doctor. This can not be done, since it is undesirable to interfere with the brain without special need. In addition, the drug also has contraindications for admission:
- it is impossible to drink it to people with individual intolerance, since the main active substance of the drug can cause a strong allergic reaction;
patients with ischemic heart disease and severe arrhythmia will not be able to take advantage of the positive effects of the drug;
- do not prescribe the drug with increased intracranial pressure;
- You can not drink "Vinpocetine" in the first week after a hemorrhagic stroke;
- It is not recommended to use the drug to treat those who have arterial pressure and vascular tone is low;
- the active substance easily penetrates the placental barrier and into breast milk, so do not prescribe it during pregnancy and lactation;
- The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 18 years of age, since its effect at this age has not been studied.
Usually, "Vinpocetine" is well tolerated by patients.The most common allergic reactions after application of the drug: rash, skin itch or dyspeptic disorders. But sometimes there may be other side effects:
- dizziness, drowsiness and weakness;
- headache;
- Insomnia;
sweating and redness of the skin;
- a strong decrease in pressure;
- cardiopalmus;
- Heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain and dry mouth.
Use such a drug only forappointment of a doctor. Dosage is also determined by a specialist based on the characteristics of the disease and the state of health of the patient. If a drug is prescribed in the form of "Forte", then no more than 1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day. They drink them after eating. The duration of treatment is usually up to two months. For preventive purposes, for example, to improve memory, mental activity or with hearing loss, "Vinpocetin Forte" is not accepted. In these cases, take 1 tablet 5 mg 3 times a day. In acute disorders of cerebral circulation in hospitals for treatment use the drug in the form of injections. The solution is administered only dropwise intravenously, 20 mg once a day. With good tolerance, after 2-3 days, gradually increase the dose, but not more than 60 ml.
Before treatment it is necessary to study carefullyinformation on how to take "Vinpocetine" correctly. This can be obtained from your doctor or the instructions. After using this drug there are some features:
- usually in the form of tablets prescribe for the chronic course of the disease preparation "Vinpocetine", injections are used in case of acute cerebrovascular accident only in the hospital;
- abrupt withdrawal of the medicine is very dangerous, so stop treatment is necessary, gradually reducing the dosage;
- with hemorrhage in the brain, the drug can be used not earlier than a week;
- Do not use "Vinpocetine" in conjunction with "Warfarin" or "Heparin", since bleeding may occur;
- it is not recommended to prescribe the drug to patients taking antihypertensive drugs, "Loratadine" or "Erythromycin";
- the drug can cause a decrease in concentration, so during the treatment is not recommended to drive a car and work with dangerous appliances.
The drug is prescribed by doctors quite often.And despite the fact that the instruction does not recommend its use to children, there is an experience of successful application at an early age with a delay in speech development and other neurological disorders. Parents like the effect that "Vinpocetine" has. Its price is low - in pharmacies it costs from 80 to 200 rubles (depending on the number of tablets and the manufacturer's firm). And children after treatment feel better: they become calmer, sleep better and start talking. Improvements are noted also by adult patients. Most often this is the cessation of headaches, increased mood and performance. Many also like the low price of the drug compared to its counterparts.
There are medicines based on the sameactive ingredient as Vinpocetin: Cavinton, Korsavin, Bravinton and Vincetin. But, despite this, the question of choosing a drug should be decided only by a specialist. Therefore, thinking what to take - "Cavinton", "Vinpocetine" or another medicine - you need to consult a doctor. In some cases, analogues of the preparation, containing other components, but having the same effect, are assigned to improve cerebral circulation. It can be such means as Glycine, Lucetsam, Nootropilum, Pantogam, Pyracetam, Fezam and others. But in any case, such drugs can be drunk only after the appointment of a doctor.