/ / The operation to remove a herniated disc: where to do and how to prepare

The operation to remove a herniated disc: where to do and how to prepare

Hernia of the spine is one of the mostwidespread in our days of diseases, which people of different age categories are facing. Most often, the cause of its formation lies in the fragility of bones, which develops against the background of such ailments as osteochondrosis. However, in medical practice, there are many cases when the causative origin of hernia of the spinal column is trauma or unnormal exercise.

This pathology is a deformation andprolapse of intervertebral discs. With a sufficiently developed musculature of the back to such problems, patients often do not pay attention, believing that pain symptoms can be eliminated with the help of massage and modern anabolics. This is precisely the main danger, since the hernia is often jammed with nerve endings when it forms. In addition, such a disease can take an acute form, accompanied by inflammatory processes and serious problems in the work of internal organs, which, due to compression, do not receive sufficient amounts of blood and oxygen.

Therefore, at the first sign of pain in the spine should immediately seek help from experienced and qualified orthopedists, which will help to avoid the occurrence of complications.

It should be borne in mind that the hernia of the spine is notis treated with conservative methods. They can be used only to stabilize the general condition of the patient and to stop the inflammatory processes. Radically solve the problem in a state only disc herniation surgery, which is quite complex and dangerous.Nevertheless, for today it is with her help that you can achieve full recovery and forget about constant back pain, which in time will only become stronger.

Today, an operation to remove a herniated discis carried out in almost any orthopedic clinic, equipped with appropriate medical equipment. Usually it includes the extraction of deformed disks and the replacement of them with high-quality implants whose lifetime is unlimited. However, if the damage is insignificant, disc herniation surgery can be performed without the use of implants. In some cases, doctors even manage to maintain the integrity of the spine, removing only the deformed parts of the discs.

True, it should be remembered that in itselfoperation - only one of the stages of a long and rather complicated treatment, which can take at least six months. The rehabilitation period in this case is fraught with many complexities, as patients need to get their spine to function properly, thus preventing pain and a constant sense of discomfort. To strengthen the muscles of the back, you will have to master an uncomplicated set of physical exercises, which are to be performed several weeks after the operation. In addition, one of the conditions for recovery after removal of the hernia is the constant use of special corsets, with which the spine will be fixed in the correct position.

About successful treatment it will be possible to speak only inIf, after six months, the patient is able to fully restore the functions of the spine and thus will not experience pain in the back area. If problems still exist, then after a medical examination, a second operation can be scheduled.

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