/ Antiviral for colds. The best antiviral drugs

Antiviral for colds. The best antiviral drugs

A healthy person is not interested at allcauses of disease. But the first "sneezing" or "sniffing his nose" makes him hurry to the pharmacy. Here the question arises: "Which preparation to choose?" The source of the common cold is a bacterial or viral infection. The first is perfectly eliminated by antibiotics. But often a cold causes a viral infection. Antibiotic therapy is useless. To help is capable only of an antiviral agent for colds.

antiviral agent for colds

Feasibility of admission

The protective barrier against viruses is, asknown, the immune system. It is she who is able to resist many of them, without giving the possibility of the disease to develop. Unfortunately, weakened immunity is not able to protect the body. In this case, the best antiviral drugs come to the rescue. They should be used immediately. Then it is possible to avoid serious complications and exacerbation of chronic ailments.

An antiviral agent for colds allowsReduce inflammation, reduce fever and help the body recover. These medicines are also recommended for prevention purposes before the onset of seasonal colds.

It is difficult to determine which type of viruscaused the disease, so doctors advise to use an antiviral agent for a cold of a wide range of effects. Important. The doctor should prescribe the necessary medicines after the examination.

Consider the best antiviral drugs. Each of these drugs can quickly defeat the common cold. And at the same time to prevent the development of unpleasant complications.

The medicine "Kagocel"

It is an immunomodulating antiviral medication.The composition of the preparation contains the sodium salt of the copolymer. This component contributes to the development of late interferon. Thus, antiviral effects occur.

The medicine "Kagocel" is most effective if its use is started on the first day of the disease.

Side effect is rare. It appears as allergic reactions. The medicine "Kagotsel" is allowed to use for children from the age of three. For pregnant and lactating, this remedy is not recommended.

The medicine "Citovir 3"

An effective antiviral agent, characterized by a complex action. The drug includes ascorbic acid, bendazol, which stimulates the production of endogenous interferon in the body.

children's antiviral drugs for colds

The medicine is produced in several forms:

  • capsules intended for adults;
  • syrup, allowed for admission to children from 1 year;
  • powder for making mortar.

Perhaps the presence of side effects, such as reducing the pressure in those individuals who suffer VSD.

Contraindicated in patients with diagnoses:

  • hypotension;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes.

The drug is not recommended for pregnant women. Extremely caution should be used for children.

The therapeutic effect is already on the second-third day.

The drug "Amiksin"

A good antiviral.He has excellent immunomodulatory properties. In addition, he is an inducer of interferon. The drug "Amiksin" perfectly fights with colds of viral diseases. It is effective in a wide range of diseases of this group. Use the medicine "Amiksin" not only for treatment. It is advisable to use it for the prevention of viral diseases.

Children under 7 years of age are not prescribed a medicine. Do not use it to pregnant women, as well as nursing.

Side effects are relatively rare. The only manifestation is an allergic reaction.


The drug is in demand for the treatment of influenza A, B,parainfluenza, adenovirus infection and many other ailments. This is a wonderful immunomodulator. It activates the body's defense against viral pathogens.

best antiviral drugs

The product is intended exclusively for adults. Up to 18 years of use is not recommended. Pregnant women and lactating women can take the drug "Ingavirin" only as prescribed by the doctor.

Possible side reactions are allergies.

The preparation "Tamiflu"

A sufficiently effective antiviral agentwith a cold. It is used to combat influenza A, B virus. In relation to other colds (ARVI), the drug is ineffective. The drug is not intended for prophylaxis.

The remedy can be used for children who have reached 1of the year. An important condition is the correct dosage. The medicine "Tamiflu" is allowed to use during lactation and pregnancy. In this case, you should be careful and carefully monitor your health.

The use of this drug can cause side effects:

  • insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

The medicine is forbidden to use a long period without interruption. Because it can provoke depression and psychosis in the patient.

The medicine "Arbidol"

Popular antiviral tablets against colds.They are effective in treating a number of viral diseases. This drug is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. Pregnant women can use the remedy, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects from the use of medicines include:

  • headache;
  • individual allergic reaction.

This drug was invented in 1974.Until today it remains in demand. Since the drug "Arbidol" - an effective and safe tool that has a wide range of effects.

antiviral pills for colds

The drug Anaferon

This is a homeopathic medicine that canstimulate antiviral immunity. It is used to treat influenza. In addition, it is prescribed for prophylactic purposes. The drug reduces the risk of complications.

The medicine Anaferon is allowed to usenursing and pregnant. In addition, selecting effective antiviral drugs for colds for children, the choice of most parents and doctors stops at this facility. For crumbs, manufacturers have produced a special form of medicine.

The drug "Anaferon" is contraindicated in individuals who do not tolerate lactose. Basically, the drug does not cause complications. This is very effective.

Ozillococcinum medicine

Homeopathic remedy, which is produced ingranules. The product provides effective prevention. Heals well against colds and flu. The drug has almost no contraindications. The only exception is lactose intolerance. The remedy is allowed to use the newborn, from the first days. He is prescribed lactating and pregnant.

The medicine is most effective if its receptionStarted with the first symptoms of the onset of the disease. The drug Otsilokoktsinum helps suppress the activity of the influenza virus, protects against possible complications.

Treatment of children

The best antiviral drugs have been provided byus nature. This is lemon, garlic, ginger, honey, aloe, dogrose. Regularly supporting the immunity of the baby by such accessible and simple means, the need for drugs will disappear by itself.

But if the crumb has all the symptoms of the disease, then drug therapy can not be dispensed with.

antiviral drugs for colds for children

Children's antiviral drugs for colds are as follows:

  1. Homeopathic remedies.In these drugs, the content of active substances is extremely small. How they affect the body until today is not clear. But the positive effect is often denied. Doctors recommend using the one-day rule. If the homeopathic remedy during the day did not give a favorable effect, the need for further admission is eliminated. Such drugs are: "Ocillococcinum", "Aflubin", "Anaferon", "Ergoferon", "Vibrokol" (candles).
  2. Inductors of interferon.These are effective immunostimulants. They force the body to independently produce interferon. They are appointed very carefully. It is recommended that these funds be used for a short time. Because a long reception drains resources. In this connection, the effectiveness of drugs is significantly reduced. This group includes medicines: Citovir, Kagocel, Viferon (candles), Grippferon (drops). The drug "Derinat" of the new generation is very effective. It is noted that under his influence the body produces its own interferon much faster. Special attention should be paid to antiviral suppositories (for example, "Viferon"). Studies have confirmed that rectal administration can increase the bioavailability of interferon to 80%.
  3. Combined effects.These are excellent antiviral agents, and at the same time, excellent interferon inducers. These include drugs: "Tsikloferon", "Amiksin", "Arbidol", "Ingavirin", "Isoprinosine", "Panavir". All agents work on viruses and simultaneously stimulate the production of interferon. Children under two do not use them, because the drugs have side effects.
  4. Anti-influenza. This group includes medicines: Tamiflu, Remantadin, Relenza. Their impact extends only to influenza viruses. With regard to other diseases, they are ineffective.

effective antiviral agent for colds

Application of drugs for children

It is necessary to remember that the antiviralmeans for colds - a powerful weapon. If it is not applied correctly, it will not cure ARVI, the flu. And even capable of harm. Therefore, use the medication only in prescribed dosages and according to the indicated regimens.

The following list of funds will allow parents to understand what childhood antiviral drugs for colds are suitable for their crumbs.

For newborns, the following medicines may be prescribed:

  • Aflubin (drops).
  • Interferon.
  • Oscillococcinum.
  • "Viferon" (candles).
  • "Grippferon".
  • "KIPferon."
  • "Genferon light" (rectal candles).
  • Acyclovir.

Crumbs, who turned 1 month old, are allowed to use the drug Anaferon for children. Six months old babies are allowed to use the medicine "Ergoferon".

From 1 year old babies can be treated with drugs:

  • Remantadin.
  • "Citovir 3".
  • "Tamiflu."

Two-year-old children can be prescribed "Isoprinozin".

Babies, whose age reaches 3 years, are suitable medications:

  • «Kagotsel».
  • Arbidol.

For four-year-olds, the use of the drug "Cycloferon" in tablet form is allowed.

Five-year-old crumbs can already use drugs:

  • Relenza.
  • Aflubin (in tablets);

Seven-year-old children can be treated with "Amiksin". And since the age of 13, the children are allowed to use the drug "Ingavirin".

good antiviral

Important warning

In conclusion, it should be noted that anyTake your chosen antiviral drugs very carefully. Do not do this often. Constant stimulation of immunity depletes the system. The body's own defense starts to work less efficiently. Doctors advise to spend no more than 3-4 courses of antiviral medication during one year. The person who uses these funds more often, very much at risk. Because for the immune system it is quite dangerous.

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