The international name of the drug "Naise", reviews of which differ surprising unanimity - "Nimesulide", by the name of the active substance.
The drug is available in many dosage forms. In our country you can buy:
• Granules for preparation of drinking solution
• Granules for the preparation of a suspension intended for internal reception
• Tablets: for resorption, soluble in water, conventional
• Finished suspension
• Gel for external use
"Naise", reviews of doctors and patients about which inMost cases are positive, designed to relieve pain symptoms in radiculitis, neuralgia, myalgia, Bekhterev's disease. "Nimesulid" is prescribed for diseases of soft tissues, post traumatic pains, dysmenorrhea, traumatic inflammations of the musculoskeletal system. It relieves pain in the spine, reduces heat and facilitates the state of infectious diseases. All dosage forms of the drug have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. It suppresses the synthesis of the enzyme cyclooxygenase 1 and type 2, which, in turn, reduces pain and inflammation.
"Nimesulid" or "Naise" (the doctors' reviews coincide with the results of the drug tests) is categorically contraindicated:
• With exacerbations of ulcers, other diseases of the digestive tract
• Bleeding of the stomach, intestines
• Asthma, a reaction to "Aspirin"
• Patients with hepatic or renal impairment
• With diabetes (sugar) type 2
• Pregnant, lactating women
• Suffering high blood pressure
• Children up to two years old
Regardless of the form of issue, "Naise" (reviewsdoctors and patients confirm this) is capable of causing side effects. Among them, a sharp headache, anaphylactic shock, other allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting. The drug can increase the level of transaminase, cause gastric ulcers, gastralgia, fluid retention in the body. Much less frequent tablets "Naise" (reviews and results of studies coincided in this case) cause hematuria, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
So whether to use a medicine that has such wide side effects. The answer is simple: without the appointment of a doctor, treatment with the drug is excluded.
Only the doctor is able to recommend the "correct" form of the therapeutic "Naise", to choose its dosage.
Children from 2 to 12 years are often prescribedsuspension, adults - tablets of different kinds. In children, the dosage of "Nimesulide" should not exceed 1.5 mg per kilogram of body weight. Give the drug three times (sometimes twice) a day.
The daily dose of adults is 200 mg divided into two doses.
Least safe "Nize" -gel. The reviews say that it perfectly removes pain and inflammation without causing side effects.
"Nimesulide" from the gel very quickly penetrates into thetissues, articular cavities and capsules of joints, bypassing the bloodstream. It suppresses the mediators of pain produced in the inflammatory focus. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug quickly removes puffiness or swelling of the joints, inflammation, pain. In addition, he relieves joint stiffness, bone pain. "Naise" is an Indian drug. It has analogues that are produced in other countries. This "Aktasulid", which is produced in Serbia and Montenegro, "Aulin", produced in Ireland.
Nimesuline is the active substance of Aponila (Cyprus), Nimegesika, Nimulida, Nimika, Prolida (India), Flolida (Italy).
Despite the fact that all of the listed drugshave a similar effect, without the recommendation of doctors to replace them with each other is not recommended: the medication of different manufacturers may differ in details.
В целом препарат "Найз" (таблетки, суспензии, gel) is recognized by medical workers as an excellent tool for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and the removal of pain symptoms. It is important only to correctly take it, based on the advice of a doctor.