/ / Rhodiola rosea: tincture. Instructions for use and recipe

Rhodiola rosea: tincture. Instructions for use and recipe

Pretty widely known is thea medicinal preparation, as an infusion of rhodiola rosea. It was used by our ancestors, but to this day it has been a great success due to its excellent ability to raise the tone of the nervous system and improve overall performance. In its properties, this drug is very similar to the famous ginseng. Sometimes the rhodiola rosea is also called the golden root.

rhodiola pink tincture instruction
Composition of tincture of rhodiola rosea

Mineral constituents, essential oils, proteins,flavonoids, phytosterol, organic acids - all these are the components contained in the radiola plant pink. Tincture, the instruction to which advises the reception in cases of reduced performance and the occurrence of increased fatigue, always copes well with the task. The natural components of the composition have an excellent tonic effect on the body, giving it additional strength.

Tincture of the golden root helps the bodyadapt to unfavorable conditions. Rhodiola belongs to the category of medicinal plants that exert a tonic effect on the human CNS.

Rhodiola rosea: tincture. Cooking Instructions

To prepare this product you need to take 50 gramscrushed root of the plant and pour vodka, which will require about 400 ml. Then it should be put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Do not forget to shake the formula daily. Before you start using the finished tincture, you need to strain it.

Tincture of Rhodiola rosea: application

rhodiola rose tincture price

For therapeutic purposes, infusion is recommendeduse after a severe illness or a recent operation. It helps to promote health and raise the body's immune defenses. Helps to accelerate the recovery of this wonderful gift of nature - the radio pink. Tincture, the instruction to which in such cases recommends taking the drug inside before meals in about 20 minutes, according to consumers, has an excellent effect on the body. Single dosage ranges from 5 to 10 droplets twice during the day, in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment can last no more than 20 days.

With depressive states, strong nervousshocks also help a pink radio. Tincture, the instruction to which informs that treatment should be started with a single dose of 10, gradually increasing the dosage to 40 drops, helps to get out of stressful situations for the human body very gently. The duration of the course can be up to 2 months depending on the state of health.

Where to buy infusion

tincture Rhodiola rosea application

Virtually every pharmacy has in itsassortment preparations from the radiola rose plant. Tincture, which price starts from 25 rubles per bottle should be stored in a dark cupboard at normal room temperature. Leave of infusion is made without a prescription.

Possible side effects

Sometimes when taking a course, the following symptoms may occur:

  • excessive excitement;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • blood pressure jumps.

If such symptoms appear, you should abstain for a while from taking the tincture.

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended to take this medication with increased blood pressure and fever.

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