/ / How to treat bronchitis at home using traditional methods and medicines

how to treat bronchitis at home with the help of folk methods and medicines

Бронхит – воспаление бронхов, при котором is affected, above all, by the mucous membrane. Most often, its appearance can be provoked by allergens, infections, chemical and physical factors. Sometimes its appearance is a complication of nasopharyngeal diseases.

Forms of bronchitis

How to treat bronchitis at home

Before deciding how to treat bronchitis at home, it is worth knowing what kinds of this disease exist.

Acute form

Especially it affects children, elderly people. For this form is characterized by a dry cough, which increases by evening. At night he prevents sleep. Usually after three days the cough relaxes, sputum appears.

Chronic form

In this case, not the mucous membrane is affected, but the wallsbronchus, affected lung tissue. Usually this form is accompanied by abundant phlegm in the morning hours. There is difficulty breathing, usually with physical exertion. Lips due to lack of oxygen acquire a cyanotic shade. Good rattling sounds.

How to treat bronchitis at home with folk remedies?

Herbal medicine

With bronchitis
A good tool to help with treatmentbronchus, is an infusion of mother-and-stepmother, sporicha and black elderberry. These components must be taken in the same parts, after which 1 tbsp. the herbal mixture is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and infused for an hour. Take it three times a day, before eating.

Tar for help

Another recipe for treating bronchitis in the homeconditions, - use of birch tar. In the half of the glass, 10 drops of tar are added. This mixture is drunk with bronchitis, asthma and even tuberculosis 3-4 times in 24 hours, a few minutes before meals.


One of the most effective methods is inhalation with this drug. To understand how to treat bronchitis at home with propolis, it is worth
take into account that as a supplement to treatmentneed and wax. Pre-mixed these two ingredients, taken in equal parts, it is necessary to melt in enameled dishes on the stove, then add water. All this must be brought to a boil. Thus, a solution for inhalation is prepared. You can be treated and propolis, bought in a pharmacy. To do this, about 20 drops are dropped into a glass of hot milk. This combination has an excellent anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. This medicine is best to drink before night sleep.

How to treat bronchitis at home with medicines

Antibiotics from bronchitis
In this case, the doctors recommend adhering tosparing regimen, as well as taking anti-inflammatory medications. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol. Along with them, expectorants are prescribed. Usually this complex approach is enough, but when joining a bacterial infection doctors prescribe antibiotics from bronchitis. Most often prescribed drugs related to the group of macrolits. Immunomodulators can be prescribed to maintain immunity. However, it is not recommended for bronchitis to be treated by pharmaceuticals alone, as taking certain drugs can only exacerbate the situation. For example, drugs blocking a cough can lead to suffocation if not properly applied.

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