/ / Preparations for increasing hemoglobin: methods of use and ways to replace drug treatment

Drugs for increasing hemoglobin: methods of application and ways of replacing drug treatment

It is known that the level of hemoglobin in the blood affectson the state of the human body as a whole, so it is very important to monitor this indicator. In principle, completely different factors can affect its level: someone has this problem since childhood, and someone acquires it during life, what is affected by chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, nervous tension, and the like. There are drugs to increase hemoglobin, but alternative or traditional medicine also contains many effective recipes that have already shown their effect in practice.

drugs to increase hemoglobin

To find out the current result level givencomponent in the blood you just need to donate blood for an appropriate analysis, which is done absolutely in every clinic. After that, your doctor will prescribe a medicine that you should take. In no case do not self-medicate, it is fraught with negative consequences for the whole body! Modern hemoglobin drugs are iron-containing synthetic compounds. By their action, they are divided into two large groups: short-acting and prolonged. The most popular among the first group are ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate and other chemical compounds. The second group includes: hematogen, drugs "Ferograd", "Irovit", "Ferrum-Lek", "Heferol" and many others.

to increase hemoglobin

In general, the best drugs to increasehemoglobin - bivalent iron compounds that are well absorbed by the human body and do not have a side effect, which is now very rare. The concentration of compounds and dosage are prescribed individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient.

But drugs are not very good if theyare used daily, therefore, to increase hemoglobin, both doctors and traditional medicine prescribe a certain diet, which includes a certain set of foods containing large amounts of iron. Naturally, the result will not be as fast as when taking medicines, but this indication should not be ignored.

hemoglobin level in blood

Modern studies have shown that not allfoods with a high content of Fe are able to be completely absorbed by the body, and therefore affect the level of hemoglobin. In most cases, out of 100 units of a useful substance, our body takes only a tenth, and the rest is simply recycled. Foods that are famous for their high iron content include liver (of any animal), fish, beef tongue and veal, turkey and rabbit meat, vegetables, buckwheat, watermelon, strawberries, greens (dill, parsley, celery). Even if you are taking drugs to increase hemoglobin, you should not give up the pleasure to eat the products listed - and tasty and useful!

Traditional medicine offers an alternativemedicines, in principle, on the basis of all the same iron-containing products. For example, every day to drink 300-400 grams of fresh carrot juice. Agree, from such a recipe will not be worse! There are various herbal infusions: red clover, parsley and celery and others. It is better to combine the treatment, then the result will not be long in coming, and soon you will completely give up the drugs! Be healthy!

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