/ / Osteoporosis of the spine is dangerous complications

Osteoporosis of the spine is dangerous complications

What is osteoporosis of the spine?

Talking about this disease, which also hasanother name - "sparse bones", it should be noted that this is a fairly common severe pathology. With it, the bone mass is destroyed, which is ahead of its production. The structure of the bones does not differ from the usual one.

Pathology is accompanied by such phenomena

  • decrease in the content of calcium salts in the bones,
  • reduction of bone volume,
  • demineralization (dystrophic transformation in all bones),
  • loss of strength of bones,
  • appearance of general weakness of the body.

From osteoporosis, not just one organ suffers, butthe whole bone apparatus of man. Judging by the statistical data, this disease is present in almost two hundred million people of the world's population. Among non-infectious diseases this one is in fourth place. Her oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular pathologies are ahead of her.

ABOUTstenophoresis of the spine - metabolic disorders in the vertebral system.This disease is extremely dangerous due to its complications, in particular, increased susceptibility to fractures, which can happen even as a result of elementary movements of the body, a small physical load. Fracture of the vertebral body causes:

  • pain syndrome,
  • impaired functions of the spinal column,
  • disability.

Osteoporosis of the spine is most common in women:

  • fragile physique,
  • in the period following menopause,
  • with prematurely begun menopause.

Affected by this disease and

  • people smoking,
  • abusing alcoholic beverages,
  • taking corticosteroids, antibiotics,
  • patients who are on prolonged bed rest,
  • paralyzed.

Also, people are more likely to develop osteoporosisthin. The reason is a lack of estrogens, which in people full are produced in sufficient quantities. The disease is considered irreversible. Flowing painlessly, it progresses.

But transient (transient) osteoporosis of the hip joint is curable.

Osteoporosis of the spine - symptoms

  • A pronounced pain syndrome in the sacraldepartment and waist. Pain can often manifest itself in the region of the hip joints, as well as the chest. Being short at first, the pain intensifies as the disease progresses, become more prolonged. Fractures of the rib or vertebra cause the most severe and severe pain.
  • Pain during palpation and palpation, tapping of the corresponding spine.
  • Strong tension of the vertebral muscles.
  • Explicit changes in posture. Slouch, hump.

The greatest physical exertion is the human backbone, therefore osteoporosis of the spine occurs so often. To detect this pathology, radiography is used, performed at least in two projections. A computer tomography of the spine may also be prescribed.

Prevention of osteoporosis of the spine

I. Is to eliminate the causes (if possible) that contribute to the progress of demineralization.

II. Drug therapy with the help of three groups of drugs, which are aimed at:

  • oppression of bone resorption - its resorption,
  • stimulation of bone formation,
  • and multidimensional drugs.

There are many such medicines, but all of them can only help to slow down the development of pathology, but the process can not be reversed.

III. Considerable importance is given to a balanced diet.

Unfortunately, not always listedprevention methods can prevent the occurrence of fractures. The only alternative method that allows the patient to provide a more or less normal quality of life is verterboplasty. This is an operation to fix the vertebrae and eliminate the pain caused by fracture.

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