/ / Gedelix for Children: instructions for use

The drug "Gedelix" for children: instructions for use

Вирусные или простудные заболевания у детей часто are accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as coughing. It must necessarily be treated, since it can lead to negative consequences. Currently, pharmacies have a huge range of mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Among them, one can mention the medicine "Gedelix" - a children's drug based on plant components.

It is recommended for the treatment of cough in the background.colds, chronic bronchitis and similar diseases. The drug is available in the form of drops or syrup. It has a secretolytic, mucolytic and antispasmodic effect. The drug "Gadeliks", drops for children, the instruction recommends in the complex therapy in the treatment of diseases accompanied by dry cough, with the formation of thick viscous sputum, with its difficult discharge.

Both forms of medication are fully prepared forto use, they are not diluted with anything and are taken regardless of the use of food. The main active ingredient here is an extract made from ivy leaves. Thanks to him, the amount of secretion of the bronchial glands increases, due to which the viscosity of sputum decreases. It coughs easier, as a result of which the wet cough becomes less and the inflammatory processes gradually stop.

The drug "Gedelix" for children instructionrecommends giving in the form of drops to babies under 2 years old. In addition, contraindications are hypersensitivity to the components and a tendency to pharyngospasm or lack of an enzyme such as arginine succinate synthetase. During pregnancy and lactation, it is undesirable to use the drug, as there is not enough clinical data on its effect during these periods. However, if the decision on the treatment of this tool is agreed with the doctor, then it is quite possible.

When using the drug "Gedelix" for children,The instruction warns about the possibility of allergic reactions. Overdose can manifest dyspeptic disorders, diarrhea, severe nausea. This is due to the presence of saponins in the medicine. Symptomatic therapy.

In most cases, the treatment lasts up tostopping coughing and a couple more days after that. If the cough persists for 5 days and symptoms such as shortness of breath, hyperthermia, separation of bloody or purulent sputum appear, it is urgent to see a specialist.

Для больных, имеющих в анамнезе сахарный диабет, The product is approved for use as it does not contain alcohol. The dosage must be prescribed by a doctor and depends on the age of the patient and the course of the disease.

Medicine "Gadeliks" for children instructionrecommends in the form of syrup 3 times a day for 2.5 ml, if they have not reached the age of 4, and 4 times a day for the same amount - up to 10 years. Older children can take 5 ml of medication.

Данное средство довольно популярно в России, так as in most cases, it is tolerated very well and quickly gives a positive effect. It is available in price, so it is used by many consumers, who note the effectiveness of the drug, even in the presence of old cough, after a few days.

However, before applying the tool"Gedelix" for children, the instruction advises to ensure that the baby does not have a tendency to laryngospasm. Taking the drug leads to a large amount of sputum, and if there is such a feature of the body, then an unpleasant and sometimes even life-threatening situation may occur. It is also not recommended to use the tool after 8 pm and at the same time with antitussive drugs.

Since the preparation contains extractive substances, a small precipitate may form and the solution may cloud over time. At the same time, it remains usable.

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