Often for the treatment of diseases that affectoral mucosa and ENT organs, use preparations of plant origin. Such drugs are well tolerated and show a good therapeutic effect. "Rotokan Vilar", the instruction for use of which is described below, is one of the most common drugs that are used in medical activities.
It is classified as a combination drugdrugs that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. This drug has found wide application, in addition to ENT-practice, also in dentistry, and also it is used for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes.
As the instructions for use indicate, "RotokanVilar "for rinsing is a combined medicinal product of plant origin, intended primarily for local, less often - internal use. Has the following local actions:
Often to rinse the mouth and throat,microclyster, application or oral administration, the Rotokan solution is used. The use of this drug in therapy can remove inflammation, accelerate the regeneration of tissues, and also contributes to their fastest healing and recovery. It can be used not only by adults, but also by children, because it has a relatively mild effect. Has a powerful formula with pronounced therapeutic properties, thanks to a combination of herbs in its composition. This confirms the instructions for use on the Rotokan Vilar.
Thanks to reviews about this drugmeans, we can conclude that the drug has the strongest effect, it perfectly helps to get rid of inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the mouth and throat. In practice, "Rotokan" is more often used as a medicine for the treatment of gum disease and oral cavity. The medicine has good tolerability, high efficiency and reasonable price. The cost of a bottle of 50 ml is approximately 55 rubles. A solution of 100 ml is 85 rubles.
What else is indicated in the instruction manual for the Rotocan Vilar?
The drug is released in a formsolution, applied externally. In the vial with the drug contains a liquid with a pronounced smell of alcohol, medicinal herbs, brown. Rotokana includes the following components:
The auxiliary component is 40%medical alcohol solution. A solution of medical alcohol is not recommended for use in pure form. Therefore, the drug must be diluted with water before use to avoid burns of mucous membranes.
This indicates a "Rotokan Vilar" medication instruction for use in gargling.
The principle of action of the drug is determined by the natural components that make up its composition, each of which has a certain effect:
The composition is unique in that it is supplemented by 40% medical alcohol, which enhances the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of the drug.
This indicates the instructions for use. "Rotokan Vilar" with angina can I apply? This question is often asked by sick therapists.
The drug has a fairly large areaapplication. This drug can treat oral diseases, use it for gargling, and also apply in gastroenterology. In general, Rotokan is used for internal, more often - external use for the treatment of the following diseases:
Application softens dry cough, eliminatesPersecution in the goal, and also relieves dryness in the mouth. Often this drug is used in gastroenterology in the treatment of colitis and chronic enteritis. Also, "Rotokan" has found its application for washing wounds and treating gynecological diseases, as well as for eliminating cosmetic skin problems. The drug used for inflammation in the oral cavity clears all mucous membranes from microbes and reduces common symptoms and inflammations.
This is confirmed by the medication "Rotokan Vilar" mouthwash instructions for use. The drug is prescribed very often for all the above diseases.
The main thing is to follow the instructions.Before using the product, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the method of its application, and it is necessary to properly dilute the preparation with water so that it does not cause burns of the mucous membranes. The solution in its pure form is forbidden to apply. Before use, the drug must be diluted with water at a temperature of 35-40 ° C. Now the preparation is ready for use.
Before you begin to breed medicinalthe drug, it is necessary to make an unmistakable diagnosis in order to exclude all possible risks of hypersensitivity. Most often for gargling with a solution of "Rotokan" adhere to the following dosages:
The prepared solution must be taken in the mouth,gently rinse their throats for about a minute and then spit them out. You need to gargle until the glass is completely empty. This procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day. The general course of treatment with Rotokan is 5 days.
If there are wounds or ulcers in the oral cavity, it is possible to lubricate them with Rotocan solution 2-3 times a day.
For inflammation of the stomach or small intestine, a solution of "Rotokan" is recommended to drink 0.5 cups half an hour before or after meals. The course of treatment in this case is about three weeks.
"Rotokan" during pregnancy is often used to treat diseases of the oral cavity and ENT organs. It is not used for internal administration, as alcohol is present in the composition.
Instructions for use for children "Rotokan Vilar" up to 6 years is not recommended to use.
Despite the fact that it contains natural ingredients, it still has a number of side effects and contraindications:
In general, this drug is well tolerated by the body.