The drug "Timolol" belongs to the categoryadrenoblockers, is used to treat glaucoma. It corrects intraocular pressure, restores vision and relieves spasms in the muscles of the eyes. The drug is produced in the form of an external gel and eye drops. The main active substance is timolol, auxiliary - sodium dihydrogen phosphate, benzalkonium chloride.
Therapeutic action
The medicine "Timolol" (eye drops) possessesantihypertensive and anti-inflammatory properties. The agent reduces the volume of the liquid, contributes to the outflow of it from the eyes. When systemic use of the drug increases visual acuity, as well as perception in the night and daytime. The medical effect is observed in half an hour after instillation of the drug. The action of the medication continues for a day. The drug creates an effective barrier to degenerative processes that reduce vision.
Indications for use
The medicine "Timolol" (eye drops) is prescribed fortherapy of open- and closed-angle glaucoma, spasms of the eye muscles, intraocular hypertension, congenital glaucoma. The drug is used as an auxiliary medicine to restore the eyes after the inflammations.
Analogues of the drug "Timolol" (eye drops)
Similar pharmacological action possesspreparations Okumed, Betoptik, Xalatan, Fotil, Asopt, Pilocarpin. These medications treat different types of glaucoma well, and also effectively reduce intraocular pressure.
Means of "Timolol" (eye drops): instructions for use
The medicine is required to be injected into the conjunctive bagtwice a day for 2 drops. Dosage may be increased to 3 drops (0.5% solution). For prevention and normalization of intraocular pressure, one drop is injected with a 0.25% solution in each eye 2 times a day. Do not prescribe the drug to children under 10 years, and children under 14 years of age are administered one drop of medicine (0.25%) once or twice a day. Medication can cloud vision and dull attention, so people who use the drug should be very careful. With prolonged use, it is required to monitor the integrity of the cornea, the pupil status, and to measure intraocular pressure.
Medication Timolol (eye drops) is prohibitedused for hypersensitivity, dystrophic eye diseases, myasthenia gravis, hypotension, pregnancy and lactation, children under 10 years. Contraindications include diabetes and rhinitis. With caution, medication is administered for hypoglycemia, cerebrovascular insufficiency, and elderly people.
Eye drops "Timolol": price. Side effects
The cost of the medicine is 19 rubles.When using the drug can be observed ptosis, keratitis, blepharitis, lacrimation, burning eyes, congestion hyperemia, corneal edema, blurred vision, blunting of attention, increased photosensitivity. Side effects also include pulmonary insufficiency, diarrhea, vomiting, hallucinations, depression, fatigue, dyspnea, dizziness, bradycardia, collapse, paresthesia, nosebleeds, rhinitis. Prolonged use may cause allergies.