How to apply "Trimistin" ointment?Instructions for use, reviews about the product for external use will be presented later. Also you will learn about what substances are part of the drug, how much it costs, whether it has analogues, and what contraindications should be known to patients.
The drug "Trimistin" (ointment), instructions forthe use of which is contained in a cardboard package, includes active ingredients such as miramistine and triamcinolone acetonide. As for the auxiliary components, they include: purified water, stearyl and cetyl alcohols, propylene glycol and beta-cyclodextrin.
For sale, a translucent gel of white color and gel-like consistency with a pronounced specific flavor comes in aluminum tubes.
What is the medicine "Trimistin" (ointment)? Instruction for use informs that this combination is intended for outdoor use only.
Triamcinolone, which is part of the ointment, has a pronounced anti-allergic, anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory properties.
By associating with specific receptors of proteins, the said substance is capable of correcting the expression of corticoidependent genes, as well as influencing the synthesis of the protein itself.
Triamcinolone reduces activity, release, andthe development of inflammatory mediators (histamine, lysosomal enzymes, prostaglandin and kinin). It also reduces vasodilation and vascular permeability at the site of inflammation and depresses the migration of cells to the outbreak.
The drug under consideration takes part instabilization of lysosomal enzymes of leukocyte membranes, prevents recognition of antigens and suppresses the replication of antibodies. It also inhibits the release of interleukins and gamma-interferon from lymphocytes and macrophages.
What other properties are inherent in the drug"Trimistin"? Instructions for use inform that this gel inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators by eosinophils, promotes the formation of lipocortin and stabilizes the membranes of mast cells.
In the presence of injured tissues, all of these effects are directly involved in the suppression of inflammatory reactions that occur during mechanical, chemical and immune damage.
As for such an antiseptic component as miramistin, it has a wide spectrum of action. This substance has a bactericidal effect (hydrophobically affects the membranes of bacteria).
How does the "Trimistin" gel work?Instructions for use (analogues of the ointments are indicated below) informs that the effect of this drug extends mainly to gram-positive microorganisms, as well as to certain gram-negative bacteria, including aerobes and anaerobes.
In addition, the drug in question is destructiveaffects the non-spore forming and spore-forming microflora in the form of monocultures and microbial associations (including hospital strains that are resistant to antibiotic therapy).
The antifungal activity of such an activesubstances like miramistin, covers yeast-like and yeast fungi, ascomycetes and dermatophytes. This substance prevents the infection of wounds by activating regeneration processes.
Химико-физические свойства препарата, а также its high molecular weight sorption polymers retain the active ingredients at the site of application and prevent their entry into the systemic bloodstream.
When should I use gel?"Trimistin"? The instruction, the description of the drug report that this medication is prescribed in the presence of skin diseases of inflammatory origin, including those aggravated by a bacterial or fungal infection:
What diseases prohibit the use of the drug "Trimistin" (ointment)? Instruction for use indicates some contraindications to the external remedy. These include:
The drug should be used only externally. Ointment should be applied to the damaged areas of the skin in a thin layer, slightly rubbing with pads of fingers.
This procedure should be done twice a day for 7-10 days. After the termination of therapy the inflammatory process should stop completely, a skin - to be cleared, and an itch - to stop.
When there is exudate at the site of application, the siteskin should first be treated with 1% solution of boric acid, 3% hydrogen peroxide or 0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate, and only then use the medication.
It is also allowed to apply the ointment with a sterile dressing.
This medication rarely causes side effects. Although in some cases, when applying ointment, patients can still have a slight burning sensation.
When applying the ointment to the vast areas of the affected skin, a small amount of the drug can enter the systemic circulation. This phenomenon does not lead to toxic effects.
The effectiveness of the "Trimistin" ointment significantlyincreases with the simultaneous use of antibiotics, antimicrobial agents and systemic antihistamines. It should also be noted that the effectiveness of the gel under consideration is markedly reduced when it is combined with other external preparations, which include sorbents.
The effectiveness of the ointment may be slightly weakenedwhen applied to the skin areas, where there is a large amount of purulent-necrotic discharge. Therefore, before using this product, the veil should be thoroughly treated with a soap solution or antiseptic.
The price of the drug in question varies inthe limits of 130-180 rubles. As for the analogs, this means they do not. If the ointment "Trimistin" does not suit you, then to replace it with similar medications you should consult a doctor.
Now you know what the medicine "Trimistin" (ointment) is. The price, the instruction, analogues, responses and indications of this preparation are described in this article.
Согласно отзывам пациентов, упомянутое средство perfectly copes with the task. It is very popular with people who have various skin diseases. In this case, it should be remembered that the drug in question is not recommended for a long time, and also exceed the dosages recommended by the dermatologist.