The child's body is growing actively, so heA sufficient number of vitamins and minerals is required, regardless of its age. But the choice of drugs is subject to a variety of factors, including the individual characteristics of each baby. What vitamins are best for children 10 years old? We offer an overview of the most popular options.
School, sports sections, music classes anddrawing, and even your child needs to do homework at home, take a walk with the dog and do a lot of things ... All this can become a load for the young body. 10-year-old child is actively growing and needs valuable substances that would help him in this.
Modern pharmaceutical companies offera lot of vitamin complexes that allow you to prevent hypovitaminosis at this age. Moreover, they contribute to intellectual, psycho-emotional, physical development in general, stabilizing metabolic processes, promoting immunity and regulating the functions of all organs. Before deciding which vitamins are best for children 10 years old, it is worth remembering the following direction of such drugs:
In addition, in various combinations, all thesecomplexes support the growth of bones, provide dental health, strengthen the immune system and body defenses, help maintain visual acuity, and help the nervous system. It is worth remembering that the composition of the vitamin complex is balanced.
Modern pharmaceutical products offernumerous medicines for any cases of life. Fully on the shelves of pharmacies and vitamin complexes of different directions. And not always parents can orient, what vitamins are best for children 10 years old. Doctors focus on the fact that any complex must necessarily be accompanied by a balanced diet, active work and walking in the fresh air.
Vitamin preparations help to maintainimmune system of children, which is subjected to high loads, in an efficient state. For 10-year-old complexes are produced in the form of gels, chewable lozenges, capsules, sweet syrups and dragees for resorption. For the prevention of drugs are issued in the form of chewable lozenges. We offer an overview of the most popular complexes to understand which vitamins are best for children 10 years old. If you compile a list of the most popular drugs, it will be something like this:
Many parents, deciding which vitamins are best forchildren 10 years old, pay attention to the products of well-known brands, which is at least heard thanks to advertising. But the vitamin complex "Alphabet. Shkolnik "does not require special promotions. It has long been popular due to the purpose and components included in the drug. The composition of the complex is designed in such a way as to guarantee the prevention of hypovitaminosis of any type in a child. This is achieved through the use of daily vitamins, which is 60-70% of the daily norm of the child. This amount is enough for the diet of a 10-year-old child.
Which vitamins are best for children 10 years old?Many parents want to buy a drug that would not cause an allergy to the baby. Doctors calm mothers and dads. They say that the "Alphabet" complex is designed taking into account the maximum level of safety and hypoallergenicity, which is very important for children's vitamins. As a part of a complex there are no preservatives, artificial dyes that reduces the risk of occurrence of an allergy to a minimum. Simultaneously, the components of the drug contribute to:
13 vitamins and 10 vitamins included in the AlphabetThe minerals correspond to the norms and requirements established in our country. Take vitamins need three chewable tablets of different colors - this is a daily dose. Take morning, afternoon and evening so that prevention is more effective.
In the spring and autumn, and throughout the year, manyparents are eager to support their children's body in an efficient state. Therefore, they buy vitamins for children (10 years). Which are better? According to reviews of many, "Multi-Tabs Junior" contains active components that help kids to easily cope with the loads and less to hurt. It is recommended to take one tablet a day. Schoolboys like these vitamins because of their raspberry-strawberry and fruit flavor.
A balanced formula consists of 11 vitaminsand 7 minerals. These substances are sufficient for developing the intelligence of children, supporting their immunity and harmonious growth. "Multi-tabs Junior" should be taken for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, during recovery from diseases, with high mental and physical loads.
Every mother is interested in having herthe child was healthy, strong and easily tolerated. They are a lot of modern children, and sometimes it is difficult to resist the body. What effective vitamins are best for children 10 years old? Many mothers agree that the child should be given vitamins Vitrum Junior.
This complex includes in its composition 13vitamins, 10 minerals, which is enough for a 10-year-old schoolboy. The composition of one tablet is balanced in such a way that the daily requirement of a growing organism is provided. A multivitamin complex should be taken one tablet a day for one to two months. But there are certain conditions for taking: the capsule should be consumed during or after eating. This is due to the content of the complex fat-soluble vitamins, which are well absorbed together with food.
Another popular drug is Pikovite Forte.In search of an answer, which vitamins are better for children 10 years old, we could not make a review without taking this complex into account. Manufacturers emphasize that due to the rapid growth of children need increased consumption of protein, vitamins and minerals - only their combination positively affects the normal course of metabolic processes in the body. And where to get these vitamins and minerals? Of course, in the multicomplex "Pikovit Forte." It should be used if:
"Pikovit Forte" contains the necessarygrowth and development of the child antioxidants, folic and pantothenic acid. Each microelement in these vitamins is aimed at supporting the functions of the nervous system, helping the child cope with physical and psychoemotional stresses. The complex is designed specifically for students experiencing too much stress, with which the body can not cope on its own.
Many children can not eat tablets, evenswallow one capsule can not. In this case, save special vitamins for children 10 years. Which are better? Ideal option - "VitaMishki Multi +". They are available in the form of marmalade pastilles-bears. In addition to vitamins, they contain natural fruit and vegetable extracts that do not exactly cause the child to have allergies.
The preparation contains choline, pantothenic andFolic acid, biotin, zinc, iodine. The use of the drug allows you to fill the balance of vitamins and minerals for the child, improve the protective properties of the body, improve the memory of the child and contribute to its intellectual development. Children older than 7 years should take one lozenges twice a day, necessarily during meals.
Choosing which vitamins are best for children 10 years old,the list of vitamins we can not add to the complex "Supradin Kids Junior". These tablets contain choline, the task of which consists in the harmonious (physical and mental) development of children. The drug is recommended to use as a biologically active additive to food, the source of a whole group of vitamins, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc and many other trace elements.
Choline is a very important component.It helps to nourish the brain and improve memory. And thanks to vitamin C, the immune system is actively functioning. Children of 10-11 years are recommended to take one chewing tablet a day during meals. The course lasts one month.
What vitamins are best for children 10 years old?The Vitamin Complex "Centrum Detsky" was specially created to ensure that the growth and development of children were harmonious. The drug intake supports the health of the growing child organism at a high level.
"Centrum Detsky" is a combined preparation,which includes a whole group of vitamins. Assign it with hypovitaminosis, insufficient intake of vitamins in the body, a deficiency of minerals. From the age of 7 to take "Centrum Children" is needed every day. Dosage of vitamins is performed in accordance with the required amount for a specific age:
A big role is played by the content in the CentrumChildren's "biotin, iron, manganese, copper, which help in the assimilation of complex trace elements. According to reviews, the drug does not cause allergic reactions, is well absorbed. Therefore, it is ideal for schoolchildren.
What vitamins are best for children 10 years old?The advice of doctors often boils down to the fact that it is worth giving drugs to children, which contain several groups of vitamins. "Jungle" is a complex in which there are all the substances necessary for the health of the child. The drug is prescribed as an additive in the form of minerals and vitamins, and as an agent for the treatment and prevention of colds. It helps to improve the overall condition of the child, his ability to easily tolerate any stress. It is recommended to use the drug after the illness, if the nutrition is not different. You can give the child "Jungle" with iodine deficiency.
What vitamins are best for children 10 years old?The reviews of many parents mention the drug "Solgar". It is not as popular as the complexes described above, but it is effective due to the presence of fatty acids in the composition of omega-3. Fish oil is the guarantee that children's immunity will be under careful control, like the heart and blood vessels. If you take the capsules correctly, be sure to visit the doctor's consultation beforehand, then you can fully strengthen the health of the child. Let's note at once, that it is vitamins of a premium class. Therefore, they cost about 1300 rubles. For comparison - the price of other drugs varies between 300-600 rubles.
In search of an answer to the question, which vitamins are the mostit is better for children of 10 years, pay attention to the multivitamin complex "Biovital Kinder Gel". It consists of vitamins, microelements and lecithin. The latter component is a vital element for the development and growth of the child. The drug is designed so that it fully meets the requirements of a growing body. The complex is sold in the form of a delicious gel or plates. The drug in a liquid form should be taken for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency, with a deficiency of minerals, unbalanced or malnutrition of the baby. Pastilles are prescribed during the period of active growth of the child, with high physical and mental loads.
We have listed the most popular vitamincomplexes that are in demand among buyers. How effective, useful they might seem, the main thing is that they are well tolerated by the child. With any allergic reaction from taking vitamins should be discarded. And even better to consult a doctor - let him appoint the optimal drug in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child. Take care of your baby's health from a very young age. And then he will necessarily grow strong and strong.