/ / "Pangrol 10000": instruction for children, reviews, analogues

"Pangrol 10000": instruction for children, reviews, analogues

Для чего назначают медикамент «Пангрол 10000»?Instructions for use, analogues and indications of the drug will be presented later. Also, you will learn about the dosage the medication is prescribed for children, what is included in its composition, whether it has side effects and contraindications.

pangrol 10000 user guide

Form, description, composition of medicament

In what form is Pangrol 10000 produced? The instruction, the reviews say that this preparation is made in the form of opaque gelatinous capsules. Their body is orange and the lid is green.

The contents of capsules are small cylindrical tablets. They have an enteric coating, a smooth surface and a beige color.

What substances are included in the composition of the drug"Pangrol 10000"? The instruction says that the active ingredient of this medicine is pancreatin. Also, the medicament includes additional components in the form of magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium, hydrogenated castor oil, colloidal anhydrous silica dioxide and microcellulose.


What is a medicine like"Pangrol 10000"? The instruction says that this medication is a digestive-enzyme agent. It replenishes the deficiency of enzymes, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the pancreas. Also, this drug produces proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic effects.

Operating principle

What is the mechanism of action of the drug "Pangrol 10000"?The instruction indicates that the pancreatin contained in this medicine is a powder. It is obtained through the processing of animals of the pancreas (in particular, pigs).

pangrol 10000 instruction for children

Enzymes contained in it, favorablyaffect the process of digestion. In addition, they accelerate the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, help the normal functioning of the pancreas.

Ввиду того что «Пангрол 10000» (инструкция по use for children will be considered further) promotes digestion of food, it quickly removes all signs of digestive disorders (for example, if there are shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pain, stomach fullness, flatulence, etc.).

The intake of capsules stimulates the small intestine, pancreas and stomach to produce enzymes that are directly involved in digestion.

The bile extract included in the composition of the drugpromotes the enhancement of emulsification of fats, acting on the human body in a choleric manner. This substance increases the activity of lipase, which improves the absorption and digestion of fat-soluble vitamins K, A and E, as well as fats that enter the stomach with food.


Is Pangrol 10000 absorbed?The instruction says that the capsules are coated with an acid resistant coating. It helps to protect the medicine from gastric juice. As a result, the drug unhindered enters the small intestine. In it, the capsule shell dissolves rather quickly and releases its contents, that is, mini-tablets.

pangrol 10000 user manual for children

To effectively influence the drug in the small intestine, it is necessary to maintain a slightly alkaline pH (or neutral).

The medication in question is not absorbed into the digestive tract. It is excreted through the intestine.

Indications for use

What can be used for "Pangrol 10000"?Instructions for use for children and adults indicate that this medication is prescribed, if necessary, for the replacement of exocrine pancreas. In addition, the agent in question is used for an enzymatic deficiency caused by one of the following diseases:

  • Syndrome Shvahmana-Diamond;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • narrowing of the pancreatic ducts;
  • presence of gallstones;
  • malignant tumor;
  • intestinal infections;
  • pancreatitis (chronic or acute stages);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

In what other purposes can be appointed "Pangrol10000 "? Instruction for children and adults says that this medication is used as a preparation for x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. In addition, the capsules are taken to restore the normal functioning of the stomach and pancreas after surgery, as well as in the complex treatment after radiation therapy with symptoms such as indigestion, gas and diarrhea.

pangrol 10000 instructions for use analogues


Under what conditions can not take the capsule "Pangrol 10000"? Instruction for children, expert reviews report the following prohibitions:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Method of use for young children

В какой дозе назначают «Пангрол 10000»?Instruction for children says that the amount of this drug should be determined only by an experienced pediatrician. As a rule, the dosage of the medicine is calculated according to the following scheme: 500-1000 units of lipase for each kilogram of the weight of the baby.

Продолжительность терапии зависит от состояния the patient's health, the type and severity of the disease. If the child can not take the whole capsule, then its contents are mixed with water or food that you do not need to chew (for example, porridge or fruit puree). The resulting mixture should be consumed immediately. It is forbidden to keep it.

In the treatment of cystic fibrosis the amount of drugmeans also depends on the body weight of the child. The initial dosage for babies up to four years is 1000 units of lipase for each kg of weight, and for children over this age - 500 units.

When using the drug in pediatric practice is required to follow a strict diet in order to prevent the development of steatorrhea.

pangrol 10,000 instructions for use for children

Adult Dosage

Capsules "Pangrol 10000" must be taken with food. They are not chewed, and swallowed whole with water.

The dose of medication is determined by the therapist ora gastroenterologist (depending on the condition of the patient, the form and severity of the disease). As a rule, adults are prescribed two to four capsules per day. If necessary, the doctor may increase the daily dose of medication.

Side effects

While taking this drug in children andAdults may experience undesirable reactions such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, abdominal distension, and other disorders of the digestive tract.

Very rarely, patients are allergic to the drug "Pangrol." Usually it is expressed in the appearance of urticaria, itching or a skin rash.

If you find such effects, you must stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Cases of overdose

There are some overdose reviews.drug "Pangrol." As a rule, with an increase in the number of enzymes during cystic fibrosis therapy, diseases such as hyperuricuria and hyperuricemia occur.

pangrol 10000 instruction for children reviews

Special recommendations for admission

Before taking capsules "Pangrol" shouldBe sure to read the attached instructions. It says that during the treatment of cystic fibrosis, people who receive large doses of medication may develop fibrosing colonopathy (that is, strictures of the blind, ileal or large intestine).

To avoid changes in the symptoms of the underlying disease, before taking this drug, you must undergo a medical study that will eliminate the presence of intestinal lesions.

The medication in question does not affect the patient’s ability to drive a car, nor does it slow down the reaction rate while working with dangerous machinery.

Analogs and cost of the drug

Today there are a large number of drugsto improve the performance of the pancreas and stomach. Structural analogues of the drug "Pangrol" are the following: "Hermital", "Gastenorm Forte", "Pancrelipasa", "Creon", "Enzistal-P", "Mezim", "Penzital", "Mikrasim", "Pancreatin Forte", "Mezim Forte", "Festal", "Panzikam", "Pancytrat", "Panzinorm", "Pancreatin-LekT", "Pancreatin", "PanzimForte", "Panzinorm Forte".

As for the price, you can buy 20 capsules of this drug for 250-300 rubles.

Consumer reviews about medication

Капсулы «Пангрол 10000» пользуются большой popular with patients. Reviews of this drug are mostly positive. People who regularly take this remedy speak of its quick action and high efficiency.

pangrol 10000 instruction reviews

"Pangrol" significantly improves the digestive process,thereby eliminating the heaviness, pain and feeling of fullness in the stomach. Also, thanks to this medication, you can get rid of excessive gas formation, nausea, heartburn and other unpleasant conditions that occur when taking fatty and high-calorie foods.

The only disadvantage of this drug isthe complexity of the calculation of the dosage, especially for young children. Due to the fact that digestive problems are purely individual in nature, only an experienced doctor can select the correct dosage. This fact greatly complicates the self-administration of the drug.

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