/ / Sinusitis. Treatment with antibiotics, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Sinusitis. Treatment with antibiotics, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Antritis treatment with antibiotics
In order to begin treatment, you need to know thatAnd such a sinusitis. This is a viral inflammation of the sinuses of the nose. It occurs most of the time after a viral illness that was not treated, or the therapy was not performed correctly. In more specific terms, the situation is as follows: during the runny nose, microbes "settle" in the nasal cavity. They begin to multiply, and eventually pawns the nose. The transparent mucus starts to come out, but then it acquires a greenish tinge. If this happens, you should start to sound the alarm. After the reproduction of microbes is in full swing, and they fall into the maxillary sinuses, where under their action there is acute inflammation - sinusitis.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you suspect a sinusitis treatment with antibioticsyou can start only after a visit to a doctor who can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an intensive course of therapy. The examiner conducts both visual and x-ray examinations. And only after that will be diagnosed.

Acute or chronic sinusitis - treatment and symptoms

antibiotic treatment

The acute course of the disease manifests itselffollowing signs: headache, constant weakness, a feeling of pressure inside the sinuses of the nose. If you do not immediately begin treatment, then the illness turns into a chronic form. Symptoms remain the same, but they will be less pronounced or become manifest by systematic attacks. Treatment with drops in the nose in this case it is better to postpone for later and turn to more radical measures. These include a puncture or a puncture of the maxillary sinus and a course of antibiotics.

Sinusitis - treatment with antibiotics

The course of drugs will be appointed specialist foracute course of the disease. They will help alleviate the symptoms and prevent pathological changes in the nasopharynx. By the way, do not resort to self. Complications of sinusitis can be very, very sad. So strictly follow the doctor's advice. The most commonly prescribed course of drugs, which includes antiviral ("Biseptol"), analgesic (analgin) and vitamin ("Ascorutin") funds.

What antibiotics bring rapid relief

chronic sinusitis treatment

If the course of the disease passes in an acute form,then the patient may well be placed in a hospital and prescribe a course of medications. As a rule, patients quickly recover. But there is a complication of the disease. In this case, a puncture will be done, but the course of antibiotics will have to drink all the same. What preparations give the best effect? Proven - "Ampicillin" and "Amoxicillin." Only take them in conjunction with antiallergic drugs. This will help to remove the swelling of the mucous and prevent allergies. No less effective are such drugs as "Cefazolinum", "Augmentin", "Ampioks". It should be remembered that all these medicines are taken for at least seven days.

Sinusitis. Treatment with antibiotics. Precautions

Medicines are always prescribed only by a doctor.Do not start antibiotic treatment on your own. If the drug does not have a positive effect on the body, then it must be replaced by another. And only a specialist can do this. Especially if you have a predisposition to allergies. In the event that you are struck with genyantritis, antibiotic treatment should be carried out only in a hospital and under the strict supervision of an otolaryngologist.

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