/ / Probiotic "Primadofilus for children"

Probiotic "Primadofilus child"

Biologically active supplement "Primadofilus"child "as active ingredients includes bifido- and lactobacilli.The drug is produced in the form of powder, packed in cans.One teaspoon of the drug contains two billion lacto- and bifidobacteria.

The drug "Primadofilus junior" is issued incapsules, each of which contains different strains of lyophilized (dry) microorganisms. In three grams of the drug contains a minimum of one and a half billion bacteria. It is prescribed for children from six to twelve years as both a corrective dysbacteriosis of the drug and a preventive agent (especially in the case of an unhealthy ecological situation in the region of residence, infectious diseases). Children from six years to twelve are prescribed one to two capsules per day with meals two or three times a day. Wash down with plenty of water.

Biopreparat Primadofilus for children is prescribedpatients from birth to 5 years as a corrective agent for violations of the balance of intestinal microflora. The drug is used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by dysbiosis, as well as allergies (food), lactase deficiency, diathesis. Probiotic "Primadofilus nursery" is used for antibiotic therapy to restore microflora in the intestine, as part of complex treatment for often ill patients, for prophylaxis with artificial feeding (prescribed by a doctor).

Primamofilus for newborns andof older children contains a normal (healthy) intestinal flora of natural origin. It has antagonism (resistance) to pathogenic (pathogenic) micro-organisms and resistance to the effects of acid juice of the stomach and bile. The normal microflora of "Primadofilus nursery" means is able to actively inhabit the intestine. Lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are part of the drug, are fixed on the walls of this organ, becoming part of the natural flora.

Patients from birth to five years of age, the drugprescribe a teaspoonful (three grams) with meals (mixed with a mixture or other type of food) once a day. In severe cases of dysbacteriosis, the daily dose can be doubled (up to two spoons), but only for two weeks - the so-called intensive course. Therapeutic course is recommended for a month.

Side effects from the use of the drug is not noted, but it is not prescribed for individual intolerance of the ingredients.

Следует отметить, что форма выпуска препарата для The newborn is considered the most comfortable to use for children of the earliest age. The powder easily dissolves in the liquid, it is convenient to mix with the mixture or breast milk, as well as with mashed potatoes and porridges. It is recommended to add the product immediately before meals.

To keep the drug as long as possible, store it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.

Dietary supplement "Primadofilus"It is often used for eating disorders, when eating unusual dishes (for example, when traveling). The tool has a positive effect on immunocompromised patients and allergic patients.

In some cases, this probiotic in combination with other drugs is prescribed for the treatment of diseases in the oral cavity (stomatitis, candidiasis, periodontitis, gingivitis).

The undoubted advantage of the drug is itsnatural composition. Due to the absence of adverse events, the use of Primadofilus is allowed in the treatment of patients of any age, starting from birth itself.

For many parents, this probiotic has becomean indispensable tool. In addition to the drug for infants and children from six to twelve years old, probiotics Primadofilus and Primadofilus Bifidus are also available, which are prescribed to patients over thirteen years old.

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