What is the purpose of the medication?"Rinorus"? Instructions for use, as well as the indications of this tool will be described in the article presented. Also we will tell you about when the use of this drug is contraindicated, what side effects it can cause, etc.
In what form do they release the remedy "Renorus"? Instructions for use of this drug informs us that it has several different forms. Imagine them right now:
In what other forms can I get a medicine"Rinorus"? Instructions for use states that in addition to drops, this drug comes to the pharmacy in the form of 0.1% and 0.05% nasal spray with the flavor of eucalyptus. Its active and additional substances are the same components that are presented above. However, the packaging of this tool is different. The spray is sold in plastic bottles with a special spray nozzle and a cap in the form of a cap.
What is the purpose of the "Renorus" remedy? The instructions for use suggest that this is a vasoconstrictor medication intended for topical use in otolaryngology.
Xylometazoline is aalpha-adrenomimetic, which causes narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, eliminating its hyperemia and edema. Also, it restores the patency of the respiratory organ, improves the discharge of secretions in the common cold of various genesis and rhinitis.
As practice shows, the drops of "Renorus" begin to act after a few minutes after application. The duration of this effect lasts up to 10 hours.
With local use, the drug is not practically absorbed. In this regard, its concentration in the blood is low (that is, modern methods are not determined).
At what diseases the patient can be prescribed medicinal drops for the nose "Rhinorus"? The experts say that this drug has the following indications:
Are there any contraindications to such a drug as "Rhinorus"? Nasal drops can not be used in the presence of the following conditions:
It should also be said thatthe agent in question can not be used in the treatment of tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors, and also in combination with other drugs that increase blood pressure.
In addition, nasal drops of "Rhinorus" follow withspecial care should be given to patients with IHD, diabetes mellitus, prostatic hyperplasia, angina pectoris of the 3rd and 4th functional class, and also during the breast-feeding period.
The drug "Rhinorus" for children and adults should be prescribed only according to the indications. Its dosage and methods of use depend on the age of the patient and the form of release of the drug.
Nasal drops
For children older than 6 years and adults, the medication in question (0.1%) is dripped 2-3 drops per trip of the nose three times a day.
0.05% "Rhinorus" for children (reviews aboutthis remedy will be presented further) from 2 to 6 years is prescribed in the amount of 1-2 drops in each turn of the nose twice a day. Do not use the medication more than 3 times a day.
The duration of treatment with a nasal agent is 3-5 days (continuously).
Before using drops, you must unscrew the lid of the bottle, and then drip the contents into the nose by slightly pressing the container.
Nasal Spray
In what cases is the nasal spray "Rhinorus" prescribed for children? The responses of specialists say that the indications of this form of release of the preparation are similar to the readings of drops.
Children older than 6 years, as well as adultsmedicament (0,1%) is prescribed for one injection every turn of the nose three times a day. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but no more than two injections at a time.
To children from 2 to 6 years, a spray (0.05%) is prescribed one injection each turn of the nose twice a day. Duration of therapy - no more than 6-7 days (continuously).
To perform the procedure from the vialremove the protective cap. Before using for the first time, press the nozzle several times until the cloud of fog appears. If you inject the medicine into your nose on the spray nozzle, you only need to press it once. The medicine should be inhaled through the nose. If possible, the bottle should be kept in an upright position. After use, the container should be closed with a protective cap.
For uncontrolled and improper useof the agent in question, the following symptoms of overdose may occur in the patient: bradycardia, a decrease in body temperature and an increase in blood pressure. As a treatment, symptomatic therapy is used.
Can I use the "Renusor" tool withpregnancy? The drug in the form of nasal drops is contraindicated for use during the gestation of the fetus. As for the spray, it can only be used for the doctor's prescription and after a thorough assessment of the risk ratio for the baby and benefits for the mother.
During the lactation period, this drug should be administered with extreme caution.
As a rule, the nasal agent "Renorus"is tolerated relatively well by patients. Although in some cases local reactions occur in the form of irritation or dryness of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, burning, paresthesia, sneezing, hypersecretion and edema of the nose.
Also after application of a preparation can be shownand systemic reactions (increased blood pressure, vomiting, palpitation, depression, headaches, visual impairment and insomnia). In most cases, such effects occur only with prolonged use of the drug in high dosages.
It is not recommended to use the drug in question for more than one week. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Before using the product, it is required to clean the nasal passages.
Doses in excess of those recommended may affect the ability to drive and engage in other activities that require attention.
Reviews of patients about the drug "Rinorus" are wornexceptionally positive. According to them, such a remedy efficiently treats sinusitis, acute rhinitis, eustachiitis and other diseases of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. It should also be noted that a large number of patients note the low cost of this drug (about 30 Russian rubles per 10 ml of drops).
However, I want to say that somewomen very often complain that nasal drops are forbidden to use during fetal gestation. In addition, a small proportion of patients after using this remedy manifest local and systemic adverse reactions (most often, increased blood pressure, headaches and insomnia).