/ / Novomec drug: instructions for use

Novomec drug: instructions for use

How should I use Novomek?Instructions for use in veterinary medicine will be described in detail below. Also we will present the testimony of this remedy, its therapeutic features and prohibitions to use.

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Form of preparation, its composition

In what form are veterinary medicines manufacturedNovomek? Instruction for use informs that this agent is produced in the form of a 1% sterile solution. It is packed in glass or polyethylene bottles (10 and 100 ml each), ampoules (10 and 5 ml each).

Externally, this drug is a yellow or colorless transparent liquid.

What is included in the antiparasitic agentNovomek? Instructions for use suggest that the active element of this drug is ivermectin (another name is 22,23-dihydroavermectin B1). It is obtained from products of fermentation of the fungus (soil), called Streptomyces avarmytilis.

Therapeutic characteristics of the drug

What features are inherent in Novomek?Instruction for use reports that this agent exhibits pronounced antiparasitic properties. Its use contributes to blocking the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which the drug in question causes paralysis and subsequent death of parasites.

This solution is low toxic for warm-blooded animals. When using doses recommended by a veterinarian against pathogens of parasitic diseases, it does not pose any danger to animals.

Operating principle

How does the Novomek medication work?Instructions for use for cats and other animals states that the active substance of this drug is the substance ivermectin. This component has a contact and systemic effect on the bloodsucker, lice, sarcoptoidosis, pathogens of ovarian diseases, helminthiases and wolfartyosis.

novomek instructions for use in veterinary medicine

After using the drug, itquickly enters the body of the parasite and immediately stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (via nerve endings), and then enhances its binding to the receptors of nerve cells. As a result, death of nematodes occurring in the animal body occurs.

Indications for use

As mentioned above, the agent in questionvery often used to treat parasitic diseases in animals. This drug fights well against lice, bloodsuckers, pathogens of ovarian diseases, wolfarthyosis, sarcopthoidosis and helminthiasis caused by nematodes.

Prohibitions for appointment

When can I not use a medicine?Novomek? Instruction for use informs that this solution is not prescribed only for a dairy, exhausted and weakened animal. Also, it is contraindicated for use by pregnant females 30 days before the expected delivery.

Veterinary Novomec: instructions for use

For dogs and other animals, the medication in question should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Its dosage depends on the type of parasitic disease, and also on the weight of the animal.

According to the instruction, before the massintroduction of Novomek, each lot is tested on a small group of animals (about 5-10 animals). At the same time, they are monitored continuously for three days.

new instructions for cats

If complications have not been noted, then the medication is administered to all infected individuals.

Данный препарат вводят мелкому и крупному Cattle, as well as camels, pigs and domestic pets exclusively under the skin behind the shoulder joint or the forearm area. A syringe with a short needle is used.

During the introduction of the medicine, you must follow all the rules of asepsis.

If the agent in question is administered to horses, it is administered intramuscularly. In the treatment of deer, the drug is also used intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Adverse Events

What side effects can the veterinary drug "Novomek" cause? According to the instruction, in the recommended dosages this medication does not promote the development of negative reactions.

Special Recommendations

When Novomec is used,take into account that slaughter of livestock for meat is permissible only 30 days after the last introduction of the veterinary product. If the slaughter of animals was inevitable before the due date, then the meat product should be allowed to be fed to animals or given for processing to bone meal.

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How to store correctly?

Рассматриваемое медицинское средство относится к List B. It should be stored only in a dark and dry place, where there is no open flame or other heat source. The storage temperature of this drug should not be more than 30 degrees. In this case, the lower value of the temperature regime is not limited.

Shelf life of the funds in question is exactly 5 years.

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