/ How to treat noise in the ear?

How to treat noise in the ear?

It is the elderly people who are increasingly complainingto the fact that they have a noise in the ear. But no one is insured against such a disease, even young ones. And the noise can be very strong, powerful, and sometimes it is a little audible sounds. One way or another, but these disturbances annoy, hamper work, disturb sleep and generally negatively affect a person's psychological state.

Noise in the ear. Causes

Hum, ringing or even noise in the ear may appearmany reasons. One of the most common is a hearing disorder. And it can be just sulfur fuses, and more serious illnesses such as Meniere's disease or otosclerosis. Otitis occurs ubiquitously and can also contribute to the development of noise. The fact is that with these ailments there is a significant violation of the movement of blood in small vessels. Namely, the blood is responsible for the flow to the hearing organs of oxygen and all the necessary substances. Because of their lack and there are unpleasant sounds and sensations. Often, along with the appearance of noise in the ears, the hearing decreases sharply. Therefore, in the first place for help, you need to contact a specialist - an otolaryngologist.

It happens that the noise in the ear - this is not a consequence of the disease of the organs of hearing. The reason may be:

- Atherosclerosis,

- problems of the endocrine system,

- hypertension,

- vegetative vascular dystonia,

- Diabetes,

- a brain tumor.

Therefore, if the noise in the ears does not stop, then it is necessary to seek advice from such physicians as cardiologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

It happens that calls and noises arise fromfatigue or severe nervous and mental overexertion. The noise in the ear will disappear in this case as soon as a person rests. And no treatment is needed. However, this is only an exception. In other cases, a doctor's consultation is absolutely necessary.

Noise in the ear. Treatment

Do not always get rid of the noise can be forever.Sometimes you have to accept the fact that they are just slightly muffled with the help of medicinal and phosiotherapy. If the cause of noise in a disease, then all the forces, of course, let it be for treatment.

Great value in getting rid of unpleasantsounds in the ears have the right way of life and acceptable working conditions. We need quality and normal nutrition. It is best to limit yourself to salt. This product causes the fluid to linger in the body. Therefore, excess fluid sometimes presses on the organs of hearing. Hence the formation of noise, and hearing loss, and even frequent dizziness. Avoid excessive caffeine consumption. This substance greatly enhances the ringing that appears in the ears.

It is necessary to abandon bad habits. And taking aspirin, too, should be abandoned. Large doses of this drug lead to the fact that the noise in the ears only increases.

Of course, to cope with the disease will helpwalks in the open air. Do not interfere with sports. The main thing is that all this does not happen in the conditions of constant noise. Often, doctors recommend simply to take a break and relax to patients suffering from noise in the ears. To do this, you can include pleasant music or the sounds of nature (for example, the sound of the sea or the singing of birds).

In some cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the cause of noise and ringing in the ears. And often even prescribe drugs to reduce anxiety.

Noise in the ear. Folk remedies

Often, to treat noise in the ear resort tomeans of traditional medicine. Good with this disease helps garlic. From it you need to make a tincture. Approximately 300 g of cloves of garlic are poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol. This infusion is kept for 3 weeks in a dark and cool place. Take the drug, adding a bottle of milk to 20 droplets of infusion.

A great tool against noise in the ears is massage. Every day, it is necessary to rub the ears for 5 minutes. Do this early in the morning immediately after awakening.

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