/ / "Pancreatin 25 ED": instructions for use and analogues

"Pancreatin 25 ED": instructions for use and analogues

"Pancreatin 25 ED" instructions for usedescribes as an enzyme digestive drug, which is used to treat diseases associated with insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic functions.

In what form is it produced

This drug has the form of tablets,covered with a special shell, soluble in the medium of the intestine. It is sold in cardboard packages, each of which contains two, three or six blisters. In one plate there are ten tablets. Also, these tablets can be sold in glass dark jars, containing 60 pills.

Structure of the preparation

"Pancreatin 25 ED" instructions for usedescribes as a very effective drug, including such components: an effective substance - pancreatin, gelatin, milk sugar, calcium stearate, titanium dioxide, petroleum jelly, dye azorubin, potato starch, cellacephate and polysorbate.

pancreatin 25 meals instructions for use

Many patients ask the question: how does the abbreviation ED stand? In fact, this indicates a unit of action.

In which cases can I apply

"Pancreatin 25 ED", instructions for usewhich is described in detail in this article, is very popular among different groups of people, since the tool is sufficiently effective and relatively affordable.

Most often, doctors prescribe this drug in such cases:

- with pancreatitis, dyspepsia, after chemicalirradiation. That is, in cases where substitution therapy is required for conditions and ailments that are associated with an imperfect exocrine function of the pancreas;

pancreatin belmed 25 meals instructions for use

- the drug is very effective for eliminating the symptoms of diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin, as well as with flatulence and the Remkheld syndrome (gastrocardial phenomenon);

- this tool is recommended to use before performing an ultrasound or radiographic examination of the digestive system;

- with improper digestion of food supplied to the body. This is especially true of the condition after removal of the stomach or small intestine;

- The drug is able to improve digestion.This question is especially relevant for those people who eat poorly, have bad habits, use lots of fried, fatty foods and fast foods, and also for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle;

- The medicine is indicated to people who have abnormalities in the function of chewing, as well as prolonged immobilization.

In some cases, doctors advise to usepills "Pancreatin 25 ED", instructions for use which are enclosed in each cardboard box, people who are overweight. Active components of the drug contribute to the proper digestion of food, as well as improve metabolism.

Are there any contraindications to the use

Pancreatin Belmed 25 ED tabletsnot everyone can use it. However, contraindications are not really that many. Note the cases in which this tool is not recommended:

pancreatin 25 meals instructions for children

- Do not take the drug if you have such diseases as acute or chronic pancreatitis;

- Do not give pills to children under the age of six;

- in no case do not use medication if you have noticed a hypersensitivity to at least one component that is part of it.

Application for pregnant and lactating women

"Pancreatin 25 ED" (instructions for use,reviews described in this article) is not recommended for use by pregnant women, as there are very few clinical data confirming the safety of the drug for this group of people. Tablets can be prescribed only if the risk to the fetus is not very high.

This medication can be used by nursing women. But in this case, the obligatory consultation of the attending physician is necessary.

"Pancreatin", tablets 25 ED: instruction for use

Usually, tablets are taken orally duringfood or immediately after that. The pill should be washed down with plenty of plain water or juice. Do not chew the tablets at all, swallow them whole.

Dosage is selected individually, and only an experienced specialist can do this, depending on your case.

pancreatin 25 meals instructions for adults

However, the drug "Pancreatin 25 ED" instruction forthe use of adults is recommended to use this way: from three to six applications a day, two to four tablets. The maximum daily rate is sixteen tablets.

For children, three applications per day will suffice, one should use one tablet at a time.

Duration of use of this medicationdepends on each case. If you need to adjust digestion without accompanying serious illnesses, then a short course of treatment will be sufficient in a few days.

If your body needs constant replacement therapy, doctors can prescribe you this medicine for several months or even years.

pancreatin tablets 25 meals instructions for use

It will not be superfluous to say once again thatIt is worth taking pills "Pancreatin 25 ED" without the recommendation of your doctor. Of course, they are relatively safe, but you have to understand the reasons for your bad condition. After all, no one knows, maybe the usual diarrhea is a more serious illness.

Side effects

"Pancreatin 25 ED" (instructions for use by children to take the drug allows) in some cases may cause adverse reactions.

Please note that this medication in the composition has components that can lead to allergic reactions. This is especially important for people who suffer from seasonal allergies.

pancreatin 25 meals instructions for use review

Very rarely this medication can causeside effects of the digestive system. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain were seen in some patients. However, the cause of such effects has not been clarified.

In patients with cystic fibrosis, with the use of the drug "Pancreatin 25 ED" in excessively large dosages may develop strictures in the colon.

Too long use of the drug may lead to hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia.

It is very important to choose the right dosage for children, otherwise the mucous membranes of the oral cavity may become irritated, and there is a risk of perianal irritation.

Important instructions

The drug "Pancreatin 25 ED" (instruction onuse, the analogs are indicated in this article) should not be taken in large doses to patients suffering from cystic fibrosis. In this case, there is a high probability of formation of strictures.

To determine the correct dosage, you needtake into account the number of enzymes needed to absorb fat, as well as the quantity and quality of all food consumed. During treatment it is recommended to follow a diet.

pancreatin 25 meals instructions for use Analogues

Please note that the drug "Pancreatin 25 ED" is able to reduce the content of iron and folic acid in the body.

Analogues and reviews

This drug is very effective andso many doctors prescribe it to their patients. However, in some cases this medicine is inappropriate to use, so the patient can be discharged his substitutes.

The most popular are such analogues:

- "Creon 10 000".

"Panzim Forte."


"The Penzicam."

According to the patients' feedback, this drug is very well tolerated and has an amazing effect not only during prolonged treatment, but also with express therapy.

In some cases, patients experienced allergic reactions, so treatment had to be stopped. Very rare cases of side effects from the digestive system.

In general, the drug reviews are positive.Only sometimes the patients did not notice the positive effect of the treatment. In any case, before using the tablets, consult your doctor and it will help you solve the problem. Do not run your health.

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