/ / Essentiale forte for liver

Essentiale forte for liver

What is this medication so magical Essentialeforte? You listen to advertising, it's that simple: "Problems with the liver? Quickly run to the pharmacy, buy this medicine and everything will be all right! "They say that even the liver cells are renewed and restored. And other internal organs. Well, we, being by nature people not very trusting intrusive TV advertising, let's try to understand the phenomenon of Essential forte.

So, judging by what is written in the instructions forthe use of this drug, it is widely used in the treatment of a variety of hepatic pathologies: chronic hepatitis, alcoholic dystrophy, cirrhosis and others. The drug contributes to the normalization of the detoxification function of the liver. This means that it helps to eliminate toxins.

The instruction also states thattreatment with the use of Essentiale Fort restores the structure of the liver at the cellular level, inhibits the appearance of connective tissues in the body. Now let's digress for one minute from studying instruction for the sake of justice.

The fact is that I was witnessing a secondexamination of one patient on the apparatus of ultrasound. The fact that he took a certain period of time only the preparation Essentiale forte, I know for sure. This is my neighbor in the stairwell, I then studied in a medical school, and my mother - a therapist - prescribed treatment for him. She explained how to take Essentiale forte. Several times I even had to go to the pharmacy and buy medicines for him.

So I'm very well remembered, as withconducting ultrasound, he was told that his terrible chronic hepatitis remained in the past. Now, if my neighbor continues to refrain from alcohol, his liver will serve him long - by faith and truth. So the doctor said, and I thought about whether there exists a substitute for such a wonderful drug, Essentiale forte.

It turned out that an alternative to Essentiale forteis the usual herb of thistle. The indications for its application in one form or another are practically the same. In people, the grass is called a "thistle", and you all probably saw it. It often grows straight along the road on railway embankments and wastelands. Here and so! The fact is that we often neglect what is growing or is right before our eyes.

Let's go back to our miracle drug. The tolerance of Essentiale Forte is good. Side effects almost never occur. The form of release - capsules, ampoules.


  • Toxicosis during pregnancy
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Necrosis of cells
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Toxic pathologies
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Fatty liver degeneration
  • Radiation syndrome
  • Psoriasis


As already mentioned above, contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance, have not been identified. It is not prescribed for premature and newborns due to the presence of benzyl alcohol in the composition.

Method of consumption


If other medical adviceare absent, then the drug is initially taken two capsules, and with maintenance therapy, one capsule at regular intervals three times a day. It is used, not liquid, with a small amount of water, during meals.


It is administered slowly to 10 ml, in severe cases, to 20 ml per day. Once permitted, intravenous administration is maximum 10 ml. Usually used up to ten days.

General course of treatment Essentiale Forte - from three to six months.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not known.

Side effects

It is usually well tolerated. In extremely rare cases, allergic reactions, discomfort in the abdomen, diarrhea were recorded.


Cases of overdose were not fixed.

It is possible to use the drug pregnant, but only for the doctor's prescription!

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