/ / Psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki: information about the institution

Psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki: information about the institution

Люди, зарегистрированные в г.Khimki of the Moscow region and Khimki district, have the opportunity to seek help in a psychoneurological dispensary. To obtain services on a paid or free basis, they only need a passport and a health insurance policy.

Name and address

The psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki hasthe official name is GUSMO "Psychiatric Hospital No. 22". He appeared in 1963 on the basis of the psychiatric office of the polyclinic of the plant named after SA Lavochkin and since then has been successfully providing services to residents of Khimki and Khimki district.

Located near the MKAD (450 m to the west) psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki, the address is as follows: RF, 141406, Moscow Region, Khimki, ul. Pozharsky, 8.

Nearest landmarks for pedestrians are the monument "Eternal Glory to Defenders of the Motherland", Provincial College of Arts and Library No. 2.

psychoneurological dispensary Khimki

To communicate with the doctor on duty, there is a phone that can be found on the institution's website.

Stops and routes

The psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki is located near busy streets. The nearest public transport stops:

  • "Institute of Culture" (from the side of Libraries, Western). It stops transport, the next from the platform "Left Bank" and the metro station "River Station" (1078, 344, 344k, 937).
  • "Pozharsky Street" (eastern side). It stops public transport, the next from the metro station "Shodnenskaya, Khimki station and st. Friendship.

The average distance from the stop to the dispensary is 400 m.

Types of services and costs

The psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki rendersboth outpatient and inpatient care. And residents of the city and the district can get it for free (based on the CHI system) or paid basis.

Among the most popular are the following services:

  • Consultations of specialists (psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, narcologists). In this case, a normal reception or departure to the patient at home is possible.
  • Treatment of alcoholism in a hospital (detoxification, strengthening therapy, coding).
  • Medical examinations and examinations, includingexamination in order to identify a person contraindications to any type of work, driving a car, to obtain licenses for weapons, etc.
  • Sessions psycho-correction (individual and group).

The cost of paid services starts from 500 rubles (inspections and provision of certificates).

psychoneurological dispensary Khimki address

In addition, the psychoneurological dispensary in Khimki provides information about whether a person is on the account of a psychiatrist or an expert in narcology. The manufacturing time is a day, the cost is 100 rubles.

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