Tablets "Tolperizon" are included in the groupdrugs-muscle relaxants. The drug has a central effect. The drug has membrane-stabilizing activity, slows down the neuro-pulse conduction in motor neurons and afferent primary fibers. This provokes blocking of poly- and monosynaptic spinal cord reflexes. The drug inhibits the excitation in the reticulospinal cord of the brain stem. Regardless of the effect of the central nervous system, the agent increases peripheral blood flow. The development of this effect can be due to anti-adrenergic and spasmolytic effects of the drug. When applied orally, the medication is well absorbed from the small intestine. After half an hour, a maximum of an hour the maximum content of the drug in the plasma is noted. Due to per-systemic expressed metabolism, the bioavailability of the drug is 20%. The disintegration of the drug occurs in the kidneys and liver. In the form of metabolites, 99% is excreted in the urine.
The drug "Tolperizon". Instructions for use. Indications
Assign the drug at elevated (pathologically)tonus and spasms in the striated muscles associated with neurological organic pathology, with the defeat of pyramidal pathways, stroke, multiple sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, myelopathy including. "Tolperizon" medication is recommended for use as a restorative treatment after surgery in traumatology and orthopedics. The indications include increased tone and muscle spasm, muscular contractures that complicate pathology in the musculoskeletal system. In particular, the medication is effective for lumbar and cervical pain syndrome, arthrosis in large joints, spondylarthrosis, spondylosis. In conjunction with other drugs preparation "Tolperizon" instruction for use recommends the treatment of vascular diseases obliterating type.
Medication Tolperizon. Instructions for use
The drug is taken in an initial dose of 50 mg not more oftenthree times during the day. Gradually, the amount of the drug is increased to 150 mg 2-3 r. / Day. Duration is set individually, taking into account the nature of the course of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition.
Tablets "Tolperizon" (reviews of experts isconfirm) are not prescribed for myasthenia gravis, under the age of 18, intolerance of the components. Contraindications include the periods of lactation and pregnancy. Due to the presence of lactose in the drug, medication is not recommended for intolerance or deficiency of this substance.
Means of Tolperizon. Instructions for use. Adverse Reactions
The medicine provokes headaches, weakness inmuscles, nausea, gastralgia (passes with a decrease in dosage). On the basis of treatment arises arterial hypotension, an allergic reaction due to intolerance.