This combination ofbiologically active substances of secretory, secretory and anti-inflammatory action. Produced in the form of tablets, dragees and water-alcohol extract. It is recommended for complex treatment in combination with antibiotics.
Drops are considered to be the most effective,However, in some cases, the alcohol content does not allow the appointment of this form, and it is preferable to other forms of the preparation "Sinupret" - tablets, analogue without alcohol. The reason for contraindications is first of all pregnancy, lactation, children's age, liver disease, alcoholism, epilepsy.
The choice of an analogue of any medicine is caused by a numberreasons: allergic reactions to some components, price, lack of the sought-for means in pharmacies and so on. It is important that the substitute product has the same pharmacological action as the main one.
As for the Sinupret drug, the analogs of thismedicines in the pharmacy network can be found both in Russia and in foreign countries. It will be useful to get acquainted with the brief characteristics of drugs that can be used in diseases of the maxillary sinuses and upper respiratory tract.
Good reviews get a spray for the nose"Sinuforte" on the basis of cyclamen extract. It is often recommended for the same symptoms as Sinupret. Analogues, however, can be perceived by patients in different ways. So, the spray "Sinuforte" differs almost instant action. He literally "punches" the blocked nasal passages, and begins a profuse departure of mucus and pus from the sinuses of the nose. The effect is quite unpleasant and can last up to an hour, after which the comfortable state and normal breathing return. The downside of this tool is a high price - from 1200 rubles and above. This is much more expensive than the drug "Sinupret".
There are a number of drugs in the form of a liquid that helpswithdrawal of purulent and mucous secretion from the nasal sinuses and removing edema of the mucosa and inflammation. Very good characteristics have the "Dolphin". In pharmacies, it is sold in a set of metered and packaged granules based on sea salt (30 bags) and a bottle with a nozzle for washing the nose. It is recommended to wash the nasal passages with a warm solution 2-3 times a day for allergic and acute rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, sinusitis. After the procedure, there is a significant relief of breathing. What else is pleasant is about the same as the price for the Sinupret drug. An analogue with a reusable bottle costs 300-350 rubles.
The same effect is possessed by means of "No-salt", "Aqua-master". Another analogue - tablets "Cinnabsin" - is recommended for long-term treatment of chronic forms of sinusitis and frontal sinuses.
About what would be the analogue of the drug,It is unacceptable to make a decision about treatment yourself. All appointments should be made by a doctor, taking into account the compatibility of drugs and their components, as well as the individual characteristics of each patient.