/ / The drug "Lokoid." Instructions for use

The drug "Lokoid." Instructions for use

The drug "Lokoid" is recommended for treatmentuninfected superficial skin diseases characterized by hypersensitivity to local glucocorticosteroid preparations. This medication is used for external use.

The drug "Lokoid", instructions for usewhich acquaints us with this drug, is produced by the pharmacological industry in the form of ointments. This dosage form has a translucent color and a soft consistency, which excludes coarse impregnations. Color - from light gray to white. The main active ingredient of the drug is hydrocortisone butyrate. An auxiliary substance is Vaseline oil, as well as polyethylene. The packaging of the preparation is an aluminum tube containing thirty grams of the drug.

"Lokoid" remedy, instruction for usewhich describes its main pharmacological actions, has antipruritic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory activity. It belongs to the group of non-halogenated glucocorticoid drugs.

The medicinal product "Lokoid", the instruction for its use acquaints us with the field of application of the medication, is recommended for various diseases of the skin:

-dermatitis (atopic, seborrheic, diaper, allergic and contact);

- Lives that are chronic;

- Judgment;

-monotovidnyh eczema;

- psoriasis;

- urticaria;

- erythematous diaper rash;


The drug "Lokoid", instructions for usewhich describes its pharmacological effect on the lesion, accumulates in the upper, granular layer of the skin. An insignificant part of the remedy falls into the bloodstream and is metabolized in the liver, and then excreted from the body with feces or urine.

The drug "Lokoid", the instruction to whichwarns of possible undesirable effects, has contraindications. It is not recommended to use ointment in the presence of bacterial, viral and fungal skin infection. Prohibited taking the drug and if available:

-Syphilitic and tuberculous lesions of the skin;

- Infections that are parasitic in nature;

-Neoplastic skin changes (various types of tumors);

-perioral dermatitis, rosacea and acne;

-ran and copy.

It is not recommended to use the ointment during the period following vaccinations, as well as with individual sensitivity to the components contained in the drug.

In rare cases after application of the drug maythere is irritation of the skin. When passing a long course of treatment or applying applications to large enough foci of ailment, systemic negative effects characteristic of glucocorticosteroid agents are likely. This increases the amount of cortisol contained in the blood plasma. However, this phenomenon does not reduce the reactivity of the hypophasic-adrenal function and comparatively quickly normalizes when the ointment is canceled.

Application of the drug is made in a thin layer on the foci of skin lesions up to three times during the day. If there are improvements, the use of the ointment decreases to three times a week.

The drug "Lokoid" for children is recommended onlyfrom six months of life. With long courses of use, it becomes necessary to monitor body weight and control the level of cortisone in the plasma. If the ointment should be applied to the face, then the duration of treatment for children should be reduced.

Effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of the drug"Lokoid" can be compared with strong halogenated steroids, but the likelihood of unwanted reactions on the background of its use is much lower.

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