/ / Treatment of trichomoniasis in men

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men

Trichomoniasis belongs to the number of sexually transmitted diseases, transmitted predominantly through sexual intercourse. His pathogen, Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis), falling on the mucous membranes of the genitalia and penetrating into theintercellular space, provokes the development of inflammation. More often, of course, trichomoniasis occurs in women, but men are also prone to infection. Further progress of the pathogen through the genitourinary tract leads to the development of urethritis, prostatitis and other inflammations of the pelvic organs. Infection with trichomoniasis occurs at the time of unprotected intercourse. Household contamination is unlikely, since outside the human body Trichomonas can survive for a maximum of 24 hours.

Signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis in men

Very often the disease is for a long timetime does not show itself in any way. In such cases, the treatment of trichomoniasis in men begins with a delay, while the risk of developing concomitant diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, viral diseases), as well as HIV infection is quite large. As a rule, the symptoms of trichomoniasis begin to appear 4-28 days after infection, although on average the incubation period lasts 7-10 days.

A characteristic feature of trichomoniasis in menis the appearance of secretions of gray-green color from the urethra, while burning and itching may occur during urination. Usually, in the first days after infection, the discharge is abundant, but in the absence of appropriate treatment, they can spontaneously disappear. Many people mistakenly think in this case that the disease has receded, but after a while symptoms of complications of trichomoniasis - prostatitis and epididymitis appear.

Thus, despite the presence of even mild symptoms, the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of trichomoniasis in men should be carried out to the fullest.

Treating Trichomoniasis

Treatment of trichomoniasis in men in each caseis carried out according to the scheme, individually developed by the doctor, depending on the "nature" of the disease - chronic form or fresh. If there is a fresh disease, that is, from the time of the onset of the first symptoms, no more than 2 months have passed, then therapy with antiprotozoal agents is performed. Treatment of chronic trichomoniasis begins with immunostimulation, after which antiprotozoal drugs are already prescribed.

A good therapeutic effect in the fight against trichomoniasisrenders the conduct of physiotherapeutic procedures, including, and massage of the prostate gland. And in the presence of complications, complex treatment of trichomoniasis in men using specific drugs and physiotherapy is carried out.

In addition, there is also such a concept asethnoscience. The miraculous nature of people's recipes in the fight against various ailments has been appreciated by mankind for a long time, and therefore uses them even in hopeless situations, when traditional medicine is not able to help. And although the case with the elimination of Trichomonas is not hopeless, all the same the treatment of trichomoniasis with folk remedies brings significant improvements in the patient's condition.

At the end of the treatment course, a week aftertherapy, men are recommended control diagnosis - the delivery of repeated tests for the presence of Trichomonas in the urine, sperm, which makes it possible to make sure of the complete elimination of the auditor. About full recovery can be said only after several control diagnostics, conducted during 2 months after the course of therapy.

To avoid re-infection, a course of therapeutic therapy from trichomoniasis, as well as subsequent control diagnostics, should be performed by both sex partners simultaneously.

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