Сегодня хотелось бы поговорить об одном beautiful medicinal plant. It grows almost everywhere: on the fringes of deciduous forests, near rivers, on meadows. Height of 2.5 m, with long leaves (50 cm), yellow flowers, similar to chamomile or dandelion. And this multi-year giant multiplies by seeds. Speech today will be about a plant called elecampane, the medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of which were known to the ancient Greeks, in the time of Hippocrates. Devyasil is the raw material for some medicines, and the people are considered to have miraculous powers, and it really is!
Devyasil: medicinal properties and contraindications
Medicinal properties of the plant are inherent, inmainly, its rhizome and roots due to the variety of nutrients contained in them. These are essential oils, insulin polysaccharide, resins, waxes, vitamin E. The plant has a diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and also helps stop blood and get rid of worms.
The healing properties of the root of elecampane are used:
- With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, namely with gastritis, diarrhea, enterocolitis. The root can also be used to increase appetite.
- In diseases of the liver and kidneys gives a favorable effect.
- In the treatment of simple skin diseases (dry wounds, hard healing abscesses).
- When fighting with hemorrhoids.
- With colds and infectious diseases (flu, cough, cold, tuberculosis).
The root is used to relieve painful sensationswhen menstruating, and to restore the regularity of the cycle. Thanks to the vitamin E that enters into it, the plant prevents premature aging. It is very diverse in its manifestation of nine healing properties, the reviews of which are confirmed by various medicinal recipes from almost all ailments. The root of elecampane is used in decoctions, as an additive in tea, tincture or ointment. The root is preliminarily ground, insisted, boiled, mixed with honey or with other medicines.
Devyasil: medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes
The most common recipe is a simple water tincture from 1 tbsp. l. crushed root elecampane. It strengthens the immune system, and it can rinse your mouth with gum disease.
- From 100 g of roots per 1 liter (we insist 4 hours), you can make a tincture for washing dry, hard healing wounds.
- With a severe cold, when the patientsymptoms such as severe coughing, fever, weakness, trouble with breathing, tea can be given instead of tea from rhizomes of elecampane and angelica (15 g each per liter).
- For 1 tbsp. spoon of gruel root elecampane with honey is taken from various types of cancer and tumors.
- Tincture of 2 glasses of crushed root and 0.5 liters of vodka will help cure tuberculosis.
Recipes elecampane a great many: infusions against all kinds of allergies, ointments from scabies, baths from eczema and itching, decoctions of rheumatism and hypertension. Many diseases cure elecampane.
Лечебные свойства и противопоказания этой perennial grasses are closely related. So, elecampane can not be used for kidney pathologies, serious cardiovascular diseases, gastritis and low acidity, exacerbation of the ulcer. Also, women with prolonged menstruation and during pregnancy will have to give it up.
In conclusion, I would like to say that everything is betterand consult with a specialist who confirms or refutes the likely contraindications for you. If the doctor gives good, then do not be too lazy to add funds from the elecampane to the home book of medical prescriptions.