/ / Vitamins for hair "Revalid": reviews of doctors

Vitamins for hair "Revalid": reviews of doctors

Women who follow their figure, with a view toslimming is used by such a method as diet. Many of them overlook that with excess kilograms their body loses the vitamins and minerals necessary for it. All this has a detrimental effect on women's health. The first to lack of nutrients, as a rule, react to the skin, nails and hair. Their condition worsens sharply. In order for this to happen, you need to start taking vitamins in time, for example, such as "Revalid." The doctors' comments speak about its effectiveness.

Composition of the product

physician's rewards
In order to understand what kind of results to expect fromapplication of this product, you need to refer to the list of its ingredients. The drug for hair "Revalid", the doctors' reviews about which are below, has the following composition:

  • Vitamins of group B. Participate in the processes of metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, affect the regeneration of the skin.
  • P-aminobenzoic acid. Responsible for the normal course of the process of hair pigmentation.
  • DL methionine. Its disadvantage is associated with the deterioration of hair growth, the separation of nails and early skin aging.
  • L-cysteine. It is an amino acid that contains beta-keratin - a protein, which is the basic element necessary for the formation of nails and hair.
  • Iron. The lack of this element adversely affects the density of the hair.
  • Copper. It is responsible for the pigmentation of the hair, it participates in metabolic processes.
  • Zinc. With a lack of this element in the tissues, the body "takes" it from the hair, which harms their health and beauty.
  • Wheat germ extract. It is a source of carotenoids and selenium, protecting the body from free radicals and positively affecting the skin turgor.
  • Millet extract. The silicon contained here is necessary for the synthesis of keratin and collagen.
  • Yeast. Contain the nutrients necessary for hair growth.
  • Complex of minerals. Provides normal hair growth.

Hair Removal Reviews

How to use

Only according to the attached instruction followstake the vitamin complex "Revalid." The doctors' comments about him say the same thing. The instructions say that the reception should be carried out according to the following scheme: 2 capsules 3 times a day before meals for a month, and then 1 capsule 3 times a day. This is with intense hair loss. If the problem is not so acute, then a three-time intake of 1 capsule per day for 3 months will be sufficient. For prevention, it is recommended to use 1 or 2 capsules per day.

The drug "Revalid" for hair: consumer reviews

The problem of hair loss is especially worried about women.It is they who most often use this drug to solve this problem. Very many of them are satisfied with the result. Users write that after the course of treatment with this complex hair loss ceased. Negative feedback in his address a bit.

vitamins for hair

Vitamins for hair "Revalid": reviews of doctors

Dermatologists often advise their patients givena means to improve the quality of hair, skin and nails. They warn only one thing: the drug is effective only in the case of lack of vitally important microelements and vitamins in the body. With allopecia associated with hormonal disorders, and with inflammatory and fungal nail lesions, this complex will not yield results. Here you need a thorough examination and serious medications.

In this article, we found out that vitamins for the hair"Revalid" is really effective in hair loss, only if it is not associated with any hormonal disorders and other serious health problems.

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