/ / Fractures. Types of fractures and their consequences

Fractures. Types of fractures and their consequences

Fracture is a complete or partial violationintegrity of bone. Although bones in the human body are considered to be the strongest tissues, they also have a limit of strength. Fracture of the bone is not only a trauma, but also a consequence of serious diseases that affect the strength of bone tissue. All kinds of fractures have significant consequences, which should be told to all people so that they do not get lost at the most crucial moment.

The severity of a condition after a fracture depends onthe degree of damage, as well as the number of broken bones. Such traumas lead to a long enough process of recovery of a person, which drags on for several months.

Fractures have their own classification and are divided into types depending on the following characteristics:

1.The cause of the fracture: pathological (as a result of the pathological process that exposes the bone to some changes) and traumatic (as a result of unexpected effects on the healthy bone tissue of mechanical force).

2. Severity of defeat.

3. The shape and direction of the fracture: transverse, longitudinal, oblique, comminuted, fragmentary, helical, fractured, detached, punctured, and, finally, compression fracture.

4. Integrity of the skin: open fractures (with a wound in the fracture site) and closed (without damaging the integrity of the skin).

Open fractures are also divided into primary-open and secondary-open. These are the main types of fractures that exist today.

5. Complications. Fractures are complications (traumatic shock, bleeding, damage to internal organs, infection, sepsis) and uncomplicated.

This classification of fractures is popular throughoutthe world. Note that many fractures carry names in honor of the author who opened them. For example, the fracture of the College, the fracture of the Monteja, the fracture of Goleazzi and others.

Considering the types of fracture, it is necessary to elaborate on the complications after fractures, because each person can face such a problem.

One of the most dangerous complications istraumatic shock. It can not only cause fractures, but also all sorts of injuries: burns, injuries to internal organs, injuries. What is the traumatic shock? This is the total inability of the nervous system to cope with the pain. We still know from school that the nerves immediately signal to the brain that something has happened.

When traumatic shock comes a stuporCentral nervous system, which is no longer able to withstand pain. Pallor, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness - all these are the first signs of such a shock. Incredibly the pulse jumps from 120 beats per minute to 40. The entire body is instantly covered by a cold sticky sweat, which lacks any odor.

All types of fractures, if accompaniedtraumatic shock, you need to carefully, but very quickly identify. It is difficult to do this without a specialist, but even the simplest knowledge of anatomy can be useful. In any case, the first stage will be the treatment of shock (any types of fractures). How to do it:

1. Elimination of the causes that caused the shock.

2. Compensation of blood volume.

3. Inhalation of oxygen.

4. The therapy with vegetotrophic drugs.

There are several rules for first aid (until the ambulance arrives):

1. Stop the blood urgently!

2. If the weather is cold - to cover the patient,

3. Constantly give a drink - in small sips, so as not to vomit.

Types of fractures are different, and all of them, in thator to some other degree, can be life threatening. And if the fracture of the arm or leg is tolerated fairly tolerably, then, for example, fracture of the bones of the nose or other small bones of our body is an unpleasant phenomenon and requires special intervention by medical workers.

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