/ / Medication «Artrocer». Instructions for use

Medication «Artrocer». Instructions for use

Medication «Artkroer» belongs to the categorydrugs that have anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredient is diacerein. The drug helps to inhibit the activity and synthesis of interleukin. This compound is involved in the development of the inflammatory process and the subsequent destruction of cartilage against the background of osteoarthrosis. The active substance of the agent slows the secretion of elastase and collagenase, which contributes to damage to the cartilaginous tissue. On the basis of continuous reception, proteoglycans are stimulated. The drug does not affect the synthesis of prostaglandins. Absorption of the drug occurs quickly enough. The medicine is absorbed almost completely. After a little over two hours, the drug reaches its maximum concentration. Removal of the drug is carried out by the kidneys.


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Medication "Artrocer" instruction for use recommends for osteoarthritis (secondary and primary).


No remedy for intolerancelactose, pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, under the age of eighteen. Contraindications to the use of the drug "Artrocore" instructions for use include liver or kidney dysfunction, hypersensitivity to components or intolerance to anthrachion medications (laxatives, for example), lactation. Do not prescribe a remedy for glucosogalactose malabsorption, inflammatory intestinal pathologies.

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Side effects

During the therapy may be observedallergic manifestations. Itching, rash and other symptoms are usually associated with intolerance to the components. At the beginning of treatment, dyspepsia is likely. In particular, patients experience soreness in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea. With the development of digestive system disorders, the dosage of the drug is lowered. On the basis of therapy with the drug "Artrocore" (the instruction for use confirms this), the color of urine can be marked in dark color (in accordance with pH). This withdrawal reaction does not require a remedy.

Dosing regimen

artcroker instruction manual

Medication "Artrocer" instructions for userecommends a capsule per day twice (in the morning and in the evening). It is desirable to drink it after eating. The effect of therapy should be expected no earlier than two or four weeks after its onset. Duration of admission - not less than four months. The interval between courses is determined by a specialist.

Additional information about the preparation "Artrocer". Price

Patients' testimonies indicate thata tool is quite effective with its regular admission. The cost of the medicine is from 700 r. In the period that precedes the development of the medicinal effect, the drug "Artrocer" is allowed to be taken in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or anesthetic agents. On the basis of therapy, a regular assessment of the state of peripheral blood, urine and liver enzymes should be carried out. In the event of disorders of kidneys, the dosage of the drug is reduced. When taking medication in large quantities, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

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