Hernia of the cervical spine, treatmentwhich is mandatory, constitute a rather unpleasant and complex disease, which can have unexpected and serious consequences. It occurs when the disc begins to protrude beyond the spinal column.
Often, the treatment of the hernia of the cervical spine depends on the signs of the disease. The main symptoms that signal a problem are:
- painful sensations in the hand and neck;
- a feeling of tingling and numbness in the limbs;
- weakness of the muscles, pain in the shoulders.
In principle, the symptoms of the disease depend on which nerve is damaged. However, there may be other signs that increase with the deterioration of the affected department.
It is desirable to provide treatment for hernia cervicalspine department by various methods: conservative, non-traditional, surgical. The first method is used if the symptoms are manifested constantly and cause serious discomfort to the patient. Most often this form of treatment can be enough. Basically, the use of all procedures and medications is aimed at eliminating painful sensations. All other symptoms pass by themselves. From medicines it is desirable to use non-steroid preparations of anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.
In order to alleviate the painful sensations, the patient is recommended a special supporting corset. Sometimes injections are used in the epidural space, where the nerve root is located.
Если наблюдается уже запущенная форма a disease that leads to serious deterioration in the quality of life, mobility, contributes to a long and sustained sensation of pain, then surgical intervention is used. The newest method is laser removal of hernias of the cervical spine. In any case, you can not expect an immediate effect. In order for all the procedures to work, you need to wait a little.
At first, after surgery, you need to be extremely careful in your movements. Try not to lift weights and perform a specially selected set of gymnastic exercises.