Raging rhythm of life, bad ecology, spoiledproducts and other negative environmental factors adversely affect our health. Today, almost every second suffers from sleep disorders, anxious or irritable. Physicians have long ceased to amaze various kinds of deviations of the psyche and failures in the work of the nervous system in young people. However, medicine does not intend to tolerate such a negative phenomenon. At the disposal of doctors there are a number of effective drugs that allow timely and gently correct the work of all organ systems.
Sleep disorders and other disorders associated withlack of melatonin in the body, successfully treated with the drug "Melaxen". The instructions for use presented in this article is not an official abstract, but it can serve as a general information source. A lot of articles have been written about the preparation, numerous disputes are devoted to it. However, its effectiveness has already been proven, and the drug is actively used by doctors. The drug is by no means safe.
Properties, composition "Melaxen"
Инструкция по применению любого лекарства всегда describes its properties. All properties of the drug are based on the characteristics of the active substances. The composition of the tablet "Melaxen" includes melatonin synthetic (from vegetable raw materials). In its effects on the patient, it is identical to the natural hormone.
The substance melatonin (natural) is releasedhuman epiphysis and is responsible for deep and quality sleep. “Melaxen” is a non-prescription medicine, therefore it is so important for patients to know about its contraindications, side effects and features of the intake. However, we will talk about this a little later.
Form release: pills.
Indications for the reception "Melaxen"
Instructions for use "Melaxen" should describe not only the properties, but also the cases of use of the drug. It is used for:
However, patients should remember that "Melaxen" refers to drugs, and therefore its uncontrolled use is unacceptable.
Contraindications "Melaxen"
Instructions for use of each medication should include information about contraindications. Cannot be used when:
In addition, it should be mentioned that in the process of drug treatment the patient is not recommended to be exposed to the sun's rays (for example, to tan).
Side Effects of Melaxen
The medicine has side effects. It can manifest itself as:
Unfortunately, today there are no suchdrugs that would not cause any side effects and had no contraindications. Each of the tools is strictly specialized, so it should be applied very carefully.
Only the doctor can choose the correct dosage.The instructions also contain certain information about dosages and rules of administration, but they are advisory in nature. Instructions instructions do not take into account the characteristics of the patient. Nevertheless, such information is useful, as it contains general information about the dose limits and the order of use of the drug.
Medication storage
The drug should be stored at a temperature of ten to thirty degrees. Do not expose tablets "Melaxen" to the sun, as well as moisture.