/ / "Glycerin suppositories": instructions for use and composition of the preparation

"Glycerin suppositories": instructions for use and composition of the preparation

The drug "Glycerin suppositories" is free, without a prescription can be purchased at the pharmacy. What is it used for?

Very often in infants during transition frommaternal milk on artificial nutrition, there are difficulties in removing feces from the body. Children who have switched to artificial nutrition are less likely to defecate, and the stool of such babies is more solid. This is due to the appearance in the diet of solid foods.

При нормальном течении всех процессов gastrointestinal tract, the ingested food enters the intestine, where water and nutrients are absorbed from it, and the remnants are removed from the human body. To form soft feces, the products to be removed should contain the necessary amount of water. Also, for a favorable conclusion, there should be no disturbances in the functioning of the rectum and the lower intestine. If there is insufficient water or ineffective functioning of the digestive tract, constipation begins.

With constipation, the stool density changes, its excretion becomes more complicated, and the frequency of feces remains at the same level or decreases.

In such a situation, glycerin suppositories will be a good remedy. Children who are reluctant and reluctant to go to the toilet can also benefit from the use of this drug.

Medicine "Glycerin suppositories": instructions for use

The remedy is used to provokea bowel movement in a child. To do this, you need to insert a candle into the rectum and move it as far as possible further, then squeeze it for one or two minutes of the baby's buttocks, which will ensure faster dissolution of glycerin and prevent reflex ejection.

Before the child's candle is inserted, it is necessary to turn to the left barrel and bend the legs at the knees. It is more convenient for a baby to inject a medicine, if you put it on your back and press your legs against your tummy.

The use of lubricants is not required.By themselves glycerin suppositories produce lubrication of the rectum, resulting in a painless, easy exit of the stool. The use of this remedy is especially recommended in cases of fear in a child before possible painful sensations associated with constipation and obstructed secretion of stool.

If the house has a small child, it is necessarybe sure to have in your home medicine cabinet glycerin suppositories. Reviews of people using this tool are completely positive. Candles are very effective for constipation and do not cause painful sensations (which are often the case when using other laxatives). When addressing a doctor on the prescription being written, you can see the inscription Suppositoria cum Glycerino or Suppositoria Glycerini.

The preparation "Glycerin suppositories": instruction and composition

Means used for newborns, exceptglycerin has in its composition sodium carbonate and stearic acid. Due to the fact that candles are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the drug was intended for children's use, as today quite effective variants of glycerine suppositories for adults are produced.

Необходимо обязательно вымыть руки перед тем, как use glycerin suppositories. The instruction of the preparation indicates that the composition of the candles has been specially chosen so that the medicine under the influence of the body temperature of a person can quickly melt. Remains of the drug are excreted from the body along with the calves.

Выбирая для новорожденных слабительное средство, study the leaflet with the information on the medicine "Glycerin suppositories". Instructions for use indicate that the drug should not be used more than once a day.

Лекарство "Глицериновые свечи" практически не has contraindications, the only reason for refusing the drug is an individual intolerance, as well as an increased sensitivity of the baby's body to the components of the candles.

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