/ / Low blood pressure: treatment with medicines, in conditions of "home therapy" and with the help of folk remedies

Low blood pressure: treatment with medicines, in conditions of "home therapy" and with the help of folk remedies

When talking about the problem of blood pressure,then most often they are referring to issues related to increasing the pressure. But a huge part of people suffer from the opposite phenomenon - hypotension (low blood pressure), which often affects women.

How to treat low blood pressure? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Some time ago, hypotension was considered the norm,or, more correctly, semi-norm - a condition that does not require treatment. Fortunately for hypotension, the situation has changed, and therefore with increased fatigue, dizziness, weakness and nausea can now be handled.

So, the diagnosis is reduced pressure.Treatment primarily depends on what caused the development of hypotension. Therefore, the doctor will appoint a survey, according to the results of which he can make a picture of the development of the disease and prescribe a treatment course.

Treatment can be medicated andnon-pharmacological. The first group includes taking medications and visiting various procedures, to the second - home therapy or taking traditional medicine.

Low pressure. Treatment medication

Now there is an abundance of medicinesdrugs aimed at increasing blood pressure. Well-established "Gutron" or, for example, "Kortineff". But any of the drugs should be bought only on the advice of a doctor. The fact is that some of them can exert a strong influence on other systems (in particular, "Cortineff" can complicate the work of the endocrine system), so only a doctor who estimates the prospective benefit and harm based on your history can prescribe a drug .

In addition, they are very populardrugs that contain succinic acid. They do not exert direct influence on the pressure, but they stimulate the heart and raise the tone of the vessels, which naturally normalizes the pressure.

Low pressure. Treatment in conditions of "home therapy"

It is from these simple methods that it is best to begin work on restoring normal blood pressure indicators. What are these methods?

Healthy sleep and regular rest;

A cup of coffee or tea (ideally green);

Active physical activity (sports, hardening, bath procedures);

Respiratory gymnastics, working according to the principlenormobaric hypoxic therapy (a procedure during which the patient inhales the rarefied air through a special device, the oxygen content in it is below the norm, which stimulates the body to adapt to such conditions). After a deep breath, exhale the air from the lungs and hold your breath for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times three times a day and notice a tangible difference.

Acupuncture acupuncture zone zhen-zhong(between the base of the nose and the upper lip), the yin-bay (on the big toe at the base of the nail bed from the side of the next finger), at the base of the nail on the little finger of the hand in the direction from the ring finger.

Low pressure. Folk remedies

There are so many popular ways to increase blood pressure, that this topic can be studied in a separate article. Here we mention the most famous.

In the treatment of low blood pressure goodhave established themselves tinctures or decoctions of elecampane, St. John's wort, ephedra, Tartar, magnolia vine. Tincture of aralia Manchurian (ginseng, eleutterococcus) stimulates the central nervous system and gently increases the pressure.

Widely known in the normalization of pressure is a mixture ofhoney, lemon and dried apricots. Cook it as follows: washed lemon (no seeds) and 400 grams of dried apricots scrolled through a meat grinder, combine with 3 tablespoons of liquid honey (buckwheat), mix. Take a tablespoon, before consumption (3-4 times a day, before meals), mix with a tablespoon low-alcohol beer. The duration of treatment is one month.

Mixture to increase the pressure from the juice.Parsley juice (60 ml), spinach juice (90 ml), celery juice (150 ml), combine and mix. Within a month, take daily before meals (3-4 r.) For 100 or 150 ml.

Tincture of ginseng.80-100 grams of Manchu aralia (dried roots) chop, pour vodka (500 ml) and insist for a month in a dark and cool place, periodically shaking the composition. Take twice a day for 20-40 drops, the last time using five hours before bedtime.

Tincture of the immortelle. 100 grams of crushed raw material pour vodka (200 ml), insist for four days. Strain and take three times a day after eating a tablespoon.

One nuance:it is not recommended to take medication in the evening. In addition, despite the fact that phytopreparations use the reserve forces of the body excellently, they are not able to completely replace the drug therapy. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with low blood pressure, the treatment recommended by a doctor should be (with his consent!) Combined with non-medicamental methods of increasing blood pressure.

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